남녀 근로자 모두를 위협하는 직장 성희롱 실태
- Alternative Title
- The Status of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Author(s)
- 서유정; 이진솔
- Publication Year
- 2017-05-30
- Created
- 2017-05-29
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/10012
- Abstract
- 15개 산업분야 근로자 중 29.0%가 지난 6개월간 1회 이상의 성희롱을 경험하였으며, 여성 피해자는 34.4%, 남성 피해자는 25.0%로 남녀 모두 직장 성희롱에 노출되어 있음.
남녀를 불문하고 성희롱의 주요 가해자는 남자이며, 동성 간의 성희롱도 무시 못 할 수준임.
근로자 1인이 6개월간 평균적으로 경험한 성희롱 횟수는 6.36회이며, 남자는 6.79회, 여자는 5.79회임.
남자가 여자보다 직접적인 성희롱과 성추행에 상대적으로 더 많이 노출되고 있는 것으로 나타남.
Of a sample of people working in 15 industries, 29.0% had experienced sexual harassment more than once a week in the past six months. Female and male victims accounted for 34.4% and 25.0% respectively, indicating that both sexes are exposed to sexual harassment in the workplace.
Regardless of the victim's sex, the perpetrator of sexual harassment in most cases is male, and instances of same-sex sexual harassment are not few.
The average number of sexual harassment instances that a worker experienced over six months was 6.36 (6.79 for men and 5.79 for women).
Men were found to be more exposed to direct sexual harassment and sexual assault than women.
*The full-text is available in Korean only.
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