대졸 청년의 성별 일자리의 질 비교

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Comparison of the Quality of Jobs held by University Graduates by Gender
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월평균 임금은 남자 210만 7천 원으로 여자 184만 4천 원보다 26만 3천 원 더 많음. 정규직의 경우 남자가 여자보다 월평균 임금이 24만 4천 원 더 많음.

현 직장의 복지후생에 만족하는 남자의 비율은 36.4%로 여자 27.0%보다 9.4%p 높음. 대기업의 경우 회사 복지후생에 만족하는 비율은 여자가 남자보다 15.2%p 낮음.

여자는 남자에 비해 자신의 교육 수준보다 낮은 수준의 업무를 담당하고 있음.

같은 정규직이라도 현 일자리에서 개인발전가능성에 대해 만족하는 비율이 여자가 남자보다 8.4%p 낮음.

같은 4년제 대졸의 대기업 정규직이라도 남자가 여자보다 월평균 임금과 복지후생만족도, 개인발전가능성이 더 높음.
Male university graduates, at ?2,107,000 a month on average, earn ?263,000 more in salary than female graduates, who average ?1,844,000. Regular male workers among university graduates, on the other hand, are paid ?244,000 per month on average more than their female counterparts.

The proportion of men satisfied with the benefits of their current jobs (36.4%) was found to be 9.4 pp higher than that of women (27.0%). At large conglomerates, that rate increases even further to 15.2 pp.

A higher proportion of women were found to be doing work below their educational level.

For regular workers, the proportion of women who are satisfied with the possibility of personal development in their current jobs is 8.4 pp lower than that of men.

Among university graduates turned regular workers at large conglomerates, men indicated a higher satisfaction with their monthly average wage and benefits as well as an increased belief in the possibility for personal development.

*The full-text is available in Korean only.
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)
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