고령자의 은퇴 준비 수준을 살펴보면, '준비하고 있다'는 응답은 31.1%로 낮고, 나이가 많을수록, 학력이 낮을수록 '준비하고 있지 않다'의 비율이 높음.
고령자의 퇴직 후 삶-일 인식에 따라 휴식형(28.6%), 방어형(24.6%), 활동형(20.5%), 혼란형(19.6%), 좌절형(6.8%)의 5가지로 유형화할 수 있음.
유형별 퇴직 준비 비율은 활동형(39.0%)이 가장 높고, 그 다음은 방어형(30.1%), 좌절형(30.0%), 혼란형(28.0%), 휴식형(25.0%) 순으로 나타남.
고령자의 경우 삶-일에 대한 인식의 5가지 유형별로 주요 일자리 특징이 다르며, 직업교육 준비 주체에 대해서도 각기 다르게 인식하고 있으므로 이를 기반으로 직업교육정책을 발굴할 필요가 있음. In a survey of older people on their retirement preparedness, only 31.1% of respondents said that they are preparing for retirement. In the older age segment and the lower educational level segment they belong to, the respondents demonstrated a lower tendency to prepare for their retirement.
Depending on their perceptions of their life and work after retirement, the respondent population can be divided into five categories: laid-back (28.6%), defensive (24.6%), active (20.5%), confused (19.6%), and pessimistic (6.8%).
The proportion of those who are preparing for their retirement is the highest among active respondents (39.0%), followed by defensive (30.1%), pessimistic (30.0%), confused (28.0%), and laid-back (25.0%).
The key characteristics of jobs they engage in are different among these five categories, and the perception about who has the responsibility to prepare for vocational education is also different among them. This needs to be taken into account in the process of developing vocational education policies.