COVID-19 팬데믹과 초·중등 진로교육 현황

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The COVID-19 Pandemic and Career Education at Elementary and Secondary Schools
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○ 2020년도 초·중등학교의 진로체험, 진로상담, 창업체험 등 대면 중심의 진로활동 참여율이 2019년도에 비해 큰 폭으로 감소한 것으로 나타남.
○ 진로정보 습득 매체의 경우 학생들은 온라인 매체를 활용한 비율이 더욱 증가하고, 교사는 비대면 진로상담을 실시하는 비율이 높아졌음.
○ 2020년도 초·중등학생의 진로개발역량(자기이해와 사회성, 직업이해, 진로탐색, 진로설계와 준비도)과 진로교육 만족도는 2019년에 비해 감소하였음.
○ 학교 진로교육 활성화를 위해 ‘온·오프라인 연계 진로교육 프로그램’ 개발이 시급하며, 그에 따른 ‘전문성있는 진로교육 인력 확보 및 역량제고’가 필요한 가운데, 진로정보 습득 매체의 변화에 부합한 정보의 형식 변화도 필요함.
○ In 2020, the participation rate of elementary and secondary schools in face-to-face career-educational activities ― career experience, career counseling, and entrepreneurship experience ― significantly declined compared to the previous year.
○ In terms of acquiring career information, the use of online among students has been on the rise, and the rate at which teachers provide online counseling services has also increased.
○ Career development skills of elementary and secondary school students, such as self-understanding and social skills, understanding occupations, career exploration, career design and readiness, as well as their satisfaction with career education at schools decreased in 2020 compared to the previous year.
○ To invigorate career education at schools, “blended on-offline career education programs” not only need to be imperatively developed but also the forms of information in which it responds to the changes of career-information sources must be changed, securing the workforce expertise in career education.
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)
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