고등직업교육기관의 신산업분야 교원 운영 요구에 대한 인식
- Alternative Title
- Understanding tertiary vocational education and training institutions’ needs regarding managing teachers of new industries
- Author(s)
- 김종욱
- Publication Year
- 2022-07-28
- Created
- 2022-07-28
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/10126
- Abstract
- ○ 전문대학과 폴리텍대학 교원들은 신산업분야의 교원 자격 기준 중 중요하게 생각하고, 개선이 필요한 항목으로 ‘산업체 경력’을 가장 많이 꼽음.
○ 신산업분야의 교원 선발 시 산업체 경력을 겸비한 겸임교원을 확대하는 것이 ‘필요하다’고 응답한 교원은 80% 이상이며, 산업체 전문가를 겸임교원으로 참여하도록 하기 위해 가장 필요한 것은 ‘현실적인 수당 지급’ 인 것으로 나타남.
○ 4차 산업혁명 시대에 요구되는 핵심직무역량에 대한 신산업분야 교원의 현재 수준은 ‘기술적 능력’이 가장 높고, 교원에게 가장 필요한 역량은 ‘복합적 문제해결 능력’임.
○ 전문대학과 폴리텍대학 교원들의 의견에 따르면, 네 가지 교과역량 중 현재 교육과정 반영도가 가장 높은 교과역량은 ‘전공실무능력’이고, 교육과정에 반영이 가장 필요한 교과역량도 ‘전공실무능력’으로 나타남.
○ 신산업분야의 빠른 기술 변화에 대응하기 위하여 교원 자격 기준의 개선이 필요하고, 산업체 현장에서 실제 기술 개발에 참여하면서 융·복합 및 협업 능력과 전공실무 및 최신기술 역량을 갖춘 전문가를 교원으로 선발하는 정책이 필요함.
○ Teachers from junior colleges and polytechnic universities cited “industry experience” as the most important qualification for teachers of new industries and as the area that needs the most improvement at the same time.
○ More than 80% of the surveyed teachers believe that it is “necessary” to hire more part-time teachers with industry experience in new industries and “competitive compensation” was cited as the area that needs the most attention to encourage industry experts to teach part-time at junior colleges or vocational education and training institutions.
○ According to a needs assessment on core competencies required of teachers of new industries in the era of digital revolution, “technical ability” scored the highest mark in terms of the area where they currently excel whereas “complex problem-solving skill” was cited as the most important skill they need to improve on.
○ Teachers at junior colleges and polytechnic universities chose “major-related job performance” among four subject-specific competencies to be the one that has been most incorporated into the current curriculum and at the same time the one that needs most improvement in terms of incorporation into curriculum.
○ Amid rapid technological changes in new industries, it is essential to enhance the standard of teacher qualifications and to formulate policies to facilitate the hiring of industry experts equipped with field experience of technology development and expertise in latest technologies as well as the ability to work with others and carry out convergence projects.
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