국가자격증 중 원격교육으로 이수 가능한 분야에 대한 정책 연구

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A Research on the Titles of National Certificates by Educational Courses at the Cyber Universities
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본 연구의 목적은 현행 국가자격 응시기준을 보완하여 원격대학 졸업자가 일반대학 졸업자와 동등한 기회가 부여 될 수 있는 방안과 국가 자격 취득 가능 분야를 제시하려는 것임.
With the rapid advancement of learning and technology in the present times, industrial society confronts needs for sustainable learning encouraged by changes in industrial structure and technological development. From this backdrop, education system is expected to head toward life-long learning society. Thus, it is required to promote cyber education making diverse choices in the timing, place, period of learning possible.
Cyber education is originally devoted to general education and vocational education for each occupation. In general, while it includes a standardized course acknowledged as advanced education like Korea National Open University, new cyber universities are actively operated through newly developed computer-based e-learning in spite of some limitations in recognizing as formal academic career. In particular, expertise learning courses for occupations should stimulate motivation for learning through some incentives like the provision of a national certificate. However, an opportunity to apply for a test for a national certificate is discriminated against cyber universities established as life-long educational institutes in accordance with the life-long education act, compared to universities under the higher education act. In realities, requirements for a test for a technical qualification by grades stated in the law of national technical qualification is definite to college graduates and two year college graduates on a basis of the Article 11 under the enforcement ordinance of the above mentioned law. And, it calls for complements in some respects. Thus, which brought up needs to make efforts to let the completion of cyber learning courses have the same benefits for requirements for a test for a national certificate as those of universities under the higher education act, and to seek for ways to allow people who finish cyber education course to get national qualification certificate. Additionally, it should be accompanied to select appropriate fields which can obtain national qualifications through cyber education and settle down problems to evaluate their preconditioned working abilities.
Therefore, this study of A research on the titles of national certificates by educational courses ar cyber universities aims to suggest ways to give graduates from cyber universities the same opportunity as that of general college graduates by complementing the current applying requirements for national qualification and areas possible to get national qualification.
References and interviews were applied to the methodology of this study and the selection result of qualification items was confirmed through consultation. In comparison with curricula by departments of cyber universities, job description by national qualifications and testing standards, the possible fields for national qualification were chosen.
The study covers major issues as follows:
○ Concept and prospect of life-long education
○ Ideology and future of cyber education
○ Analysis on statutes relevant to cyber education
○ Current status of national qualification system
○ Analysis on statutes relevant to qualifications
○ Ways to obtain qualification through cyber education
○ Study on curriculum for cyber courses for qualification acquisition
○ Problems and measures for improvement in the acquisition of national qualification of people completing cyber universities
In the course of this study, goals and syllabuses for courses by departments were scrutinized through analyses on curricula of one hundred and forty one departments from sixteen cyber universities throughout the country as of 2003. Besides, performing duties and testing standards were examined for six hundred and nine items in total out of thirty three occupational fields from national technical qualifications and other national qualifications. After comparison with results from the two observations described above, specialized areas and qualification items having largely common results were drawn out and then possible qualification items for national qualification test were listed up by specialties.
For the result of this study, there are conclusions from two major issues.
A. A way of acknowledgment of academic career under the statute
With the fact that cyber universities are founded as life-long educational institutes to contribute to the establishment of open education society and life-long learning society in accordance with Article 22 of ` it is turned out that there will be no problem in acknowledging cyber universities in the same way as universities under the higher education act because it complies with the enforcement ordinance of the higher education act in curriculum and school operation so that it can acquire the recognition of the higher educational schooling.
In practice, it is confirmed that for applicants for national technical qualification, graduates from cyber universities have already been treated in the relevant organizations as the same as college graduates under the higher education act
Thus, other national qualifications should apply the same principles and reform the existing discriminatory conditions.
B. Selection of possible fields for cyber education
In the case of the same majors between a cyber university and general university, ability is thought to be identical with each other and when a cyber university have a similar curriculum, it is admitted that it has the same ability to apply for a qualification of the identical field. So, newly establishing departments of cyber universities in the future were also chosen on a basis of possibilities which they have specialty possible to apply for national qualification tests by comparing curriculum, syllabus and testing standards by the relevant items.
This study made four suggestions in order to elevate the level of practical use of the results of the study.
Firstly, the status of cyber universities and two year colleges authorized as life-long education institutes under the life-long education act should be inserted into provisions of the higher education act as a complementary one, or they should be interpreted as the same as universities in the related statutes of national qualifications and national technical qualifications.
Secondly, cyber universities should improve the reliability of grade assessment system and working abilities by consistently developing their learning methods, and performing occupations and testing standards of the relevant national qualifications should be explored and reflected into the development of curricula when newly establishing departments in cyber universities.
Thirdly, acquired credits determined in the relevant national qualification statutes should be applied for a person who dropped out of a cyber university.
Lastly, conditions for the establishment of a cyber university and regulations of its operation should be given flexibility, so that it can enter the open educational system of life-long learning society.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
가. 연구의 필요성 1
나. 연구목적 3
2. 연구 방법 4
가. 문헌 조사 4
나. 면담 조사 4
다. 전문가 간담회 2회 5
3. 연구의 내용 및 범위 5
가. 연구내용 5
나. 연구 범위 6
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 9
1. 원격교육의 개념 및 특성 9
가. 원격교육의 개념 9
나. 원격교육의 특성 12
2. 원격교육의 역사 14
가. 원격교육의 기원 14
나. 원격교육의 변천 15
다. 가상대학의 성장과 평생학습사회에서의 의의 17
3. 원격교육 제도 및 법령 22
가. 원격교육 제도 22
나. 관련 법령 24
4. 원격대학 설립과 운영 26
가. 원격대학의 설치 26
나. 원격대학 설치·인가 심사 기준(교육인적자원부, 2002) 28
다. 원격대학의 설치기준 30
라. 원격대학의 학사 운영 기준 35
Ⅲ. 원격대학 현황 39
1. 원격대학의 발전 39
가. 원격대학의 성장 39
나. 2001년, 원격대학 도입 원년 현황 40
다. 2002년, 원격대학 현황 41
라. 원격대학의 질적 성장 42
2. 2003년 현재 원격대학 현황 43
가. 일반 현황 43
나. 전공학과 분포 현황 45
다. 전공교육과정 현황 51
3. 원격대학의 문제점과 개선 방향 59
가. 국가자격 취득과 관련된 원격대학 교육의 문제점 59
나. 문제점의 개선 방향 63
Ⅳ. 원격대학과 자격제도 연계 65
1. 원격대학의 교육과정 65
2. 국가자격제도 66
가. 관련 국가자격 종목 및 출제 기준 66
나. 원격대학에서 자격취득의 장애 66
3. 원격대학 학습을 통한 자격 취득 방안 68
가. 법령의 적용 방법 68
나. 국가자격 취득 가능 교육과정 73
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 77
1. 결론 77
가. 법령상의 학력인정 방법 77
나. 원격교육으로 이수 가능한 분야 선정 78
2. 제언 79
참고문헌 81
Abstract 85
부록 91
한국직업능력개발원, 교육인적자원부
신명훈. (2004-01-17). 국가자격증 중 원격교육으로 이수 가능한 분야에 대한 정책 연구.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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