일학습병행 학습근로자 세대별 이직 결정 요인 비교
- Alternative Title
- Analysis of Generational Differences in Decisions to Seek New Employment Among Workers in a Work-Study Program
- Author(s)
- 전성준; 문상균
- Publication Year
- 2024-10-08
- Created
- 2024-10-08
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/10369
- Abstract
- 평생직장의 개념이 사라지는 현대 사회에서 이직은 자연스러운 현상이나, 세대별로 이직 사유는 다를 수 있고 노동시장에서의 잦은 이직은 사회적으로 우려가 되고 있음. 특히 교육훈련과 이직은 직접적인 관계가 있기에, 한국직업능력연구원에서는 일학습병행 교육훈련 과정을 이수한 자를 대상으로 교육훈련 특성, 이직 여부, 이직 사유 등을 조사하였음. 조사 결과, 이직률은 Z세대에서 가장 높았고 M세대와 X세대+기성세대는 20% 이하로 나타남. 이직 사유는 더 좋은 조건에서 근무하고 싶은 희망이 가장 많았음. OJT와 Off-JT에 대한 인식을 살펴본 결과, Off-JT와 OJT 모두 교강사 및 기업현장교사의 역량 만족도가 제일 높았음. 교육훈련 특성 요인과 이직과의 관계를 살펴본 결과, 세대별로 이직 결정요인은 다르게 나타남. Z세대는 다른 세대와 달리 학력과 경력년수가 실제 이직을 결정하는 중요한 요인임이 밝혀짐. 모든 세대에 있어 공통적으로 OJT 내용 또는 기업현장교사 역량이 이직을 결정하는 중요한 요인임이 검증되었기에, 기업은 OJT 교육훈련 과정의 개발 및 설계단계부터 직무와 밀접한 관련이 있도록 노력해야 함을 시사함.
In modern society, where the concept of a job for life is fading, deciding to seek new employment has become a natural phenomenon. However, the reasons for this decision can vary by generation, and frequent job turnover in the labor market is a social concern. Given the direct relationship between education and training and employee turnover, the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) conducted a survey of individuals who have completed a work-study training program. This survey looked into the characteristics of the training, their job turnover status, and the reasons for their decision to seek new employment. The findings showed that the turnover rate was highest among Generation Z and was less than 20% for the Millennial, Generation X and older generations. The primary motivation cited for leaving a current position across generations was the pursuit of better employment conditions. The study also assessed perceptions of On-the-Job Training (OJT) and Off-the-Job Training (Off-JT), finding high levels of satisfaction with the competence of trainers and workplace instructors across both formats. In examining the relationship between training characteristics and job turnover, the study revealed that the factors influencing the decision to seek new employment varied by generation. For Generation Z, unlike other age groups, educational background and years of experience were significant factors in deciding to change jobs. The findings also confirm that for all generations, the content of OJT or the competency of the workplace instructors are a crucial determinant in the decision to change jobs, suggesting that companies should focus on aligning OJT closely with job requirements, beginning with the development and design phases of training programs.
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