진로교육의 성과 분석: 시도수준 분석을 중심으로

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Analysis of the Efficacy of Career Guidance Education Programs: Focusing on Provincial-Level Data
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우리나라는 지난 10여 년간 학생의 진로개발역량 함양 지원을 위해 초·중등 진로전담교사 배치, 「진로교육법」 제정 등의 노력을 기울임. 이와 더불어 각 지역에서도 법, 조직, 인력, 예산 등 다양한 자원을 투입하고 있으나 시도별 차이가 존재함. 이에 시도별 진로교육 현황을 분석하고 진로교육 성과에 대한 실증분석을 실시하였음. 시도에서는 진로교육을 위해 조례를 제정하고 시도 환경에 맞는 조직을 운영하며, 예산을 투입하고 있으나 일부 영역에서는 편차가 나타남. 분석 결과, 시도별 학생 진로체험 참여율, 진로교육 전용공간 확보 비율, 진로전담교사 배치율은 중·고등학생의 진로활동 만족도와 진로개발역량에 긍정적인 영향을 미침. 학생들이 진로교육 활동에 더욱 적극적으로 참여할 수 있는 인프라를 구축하고 지역 특화 진로교육(체험)을 개발하는 등의 지원이 필요함.
Over the past decade, Korea has made significant efforts to enhance students' career development capabilities, including by appointing dedicated teachers to act as career guidance counselors at elementary and secondary schools and enacting the Career Education Act. Additionally, diverse resources such as laws, organizational support, personnel, and budgets have been invested at the local level, although differences among provinces still exist. This study analyzed the status of career guidance programs across different provinces and conducted an empirical analysis of its outcomes. Provinces have enacted ordinances and operated organizations tailored to their local environments to support career guidance programs and have allocated budgets accordingly. However, disparities are evident in some areas. The analysis shows that provincial rates of student participation in career experiences, the availability of dedicated spaces for career guidance programs, and the deployment rate of teachers serving as career guidance counselors positively impact middle and high school students' satisfaction with career guidance activities and their career development capabilities. To enhance student engagement in career guidance activities, there is a need to develop infrastructure that promotes active participation and to create specialized, region-specific career guidance program experiences.
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연속간행물 > I. KRIVET Issue Brief (2012~현재)

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