2002 Research Abstracts

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1. RR 02-01 Enhancing the Expertise of HRD Practitioners and Establishing a Supportive Environment for HRD 1
2. RR 02-02 Development Strategies for the Curriculum of Private Vocational Education and Training Institutes 5
3. RR 02-03 Developing an Evaluation System on Human Resources Development Policy 11
4. RR 02-04 Developmental Strategies of the Learning Leave System 18
5. RR 02-05 The Actual State of and Improvement Programs for the Three Kinds of Corporate Universities 23
6. RR 02-06 Labor Market Entry and Job Performance of Vocational Education and Training Institute Graduates: 29
7. RR 02-07 Successful Cases of Vocational High School Reform 35
8. RR 02-08 A Study on the New Establishment of the Vocational Education System to Integrate the Industrial Needs and the Operation of the Educational Institutes 46
9. RR 02-09 The Avoidance of Science and Engineering Fields by High School Students Attending Colleges and Universities in Korea 54
10. RR 02-10 The Development of Upgrade Training Programs for Junior College Professors (Ⅱ) 59
11.RR 02-11 Research on a National Qualification Quality Assurance System for Engineers and Craftsmen 69
12.RR 02-12 A Scheme to Improve In-Firm Qualification Systems Enhancing Worker's Vocational Competency 74
13.RR 02-13 A Study on the Reinforcement Strategies of Vocational Education at Alternative Schools for Dropout Students at Secondary Level 80
14.RR 02-14 Developing and Implementing Vocational High School Programs to Enhance Key Competencies Needed for the Workforce 83
15. RR 02-15 A Plan for Restructuring the Division Classification of Vocational High Schools 87
16. RR 02-16 A Study on the Criteria and Improvement of the Approval and Designation for Training Programs and Institutes 93
17.RR 02-17 Effects of The Vocational Aptitude Inventory for Secondary School Students 101
18.RR 02-18 A Policy Study on University Student Club Activities for Employment 104
19. RR 02-19 A Study on Tripartite Partnerships for Workers' Vocational Competency Development 107
20. RR 02-20 2002 Annual Survey of HRD in Enterprises 114
21. RR 02-21 An Exploration of Educational Tasks for Establishing Corporate Ethics. 120
22. RR 02-22 Proposals on Post-Management of Accredited Private Qualifications 125
23. RR 02-23 A Study on a Methodology to Facilitate School Enterprises of Vocational High Schools 132
24. RR 02-24 A Study to Establish an Evaluation System for Private Technical Institutes in Korea 138
25. RR 02-25 A Study on Strategies for Training Skilled Human Resources in the Cultural Contents Industry 142
26. RR 02-26-1 Policies and Implementation Strategies for Regional Human Resources Development 150
27. RR 02-26-2 Human Resources Development Through a Regional Innovation System 162
28. RR 02-27 A Study to Develop a Continuing Education & Training Module in Korea 171
29. RR 02-28 A Comparative Study of the Vocational Education Systems and Occupational Classification Standards of Korea and Finland 175
30. RR 02-29 Development of a Mentoring Program in College for the Smooth Transition to Work 181
31. RR 02-30 Market Structure and Policy Issues in Technical Colleges 183
32. RR 02-31 Support and Development of Private Specialized Vocational High Schools 187
33. RR 02-32 A Study on the Articulated Co-operation Plan for Technical Field Curriculum Implementation as Industrial Structural Change in the 21st Century 192
34. RR 02-33 A Study on Occupational Changes (II) 195
35. RR 02-34 A Study on the Demands of the Industrial Sector and its Level of Satisfaction with Vocational Education 203
36. RR 02-35 Projections and Policy Issues for National Human Resources 208
37. RR 02-36 Diversification of Education and Training through the Recognition of Prior Learning 212
38. RR 02-37 A Study on APEC ICT Human Capacity Building and Facilitation of Human Resource Exchanges 216
39. RR 02-38 Analysis and Evaluation of Human Resource Development Policies in Korea: 1962~2002 220
40. RR 02-39 Measures to Promote the Openness of the Social and Vocational Education Markets 225
41. RR 02-40 A Korea-China Comparative Study on Technological Education According to Different Phases of Industrial Development 227
42. RR 02-41 A Study of Koreans' Work Ethic (II) 239
43. RR 02-42 Plans for Linking Vocational Training to the Labor Market to Promote the Self-sufficiency of the Low-income Class 247
44. RR 02-43 Strategies for Improving Qualification Systems to Realize a Competency-oriented Society 256
45. RR 02-44 A Study on Adult Vocational Training in the Automobile Industries 261
46. RR 02-45 Research on the Mechanisms for the Co-financing of Lifelong Learning 266
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2003-05-31). 2002 Research Abstracts.
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연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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