Adult Retraining and Reskilling in Korea and Australia

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Young-HyunLeeYoung-sunRaKatrina BallOanh Phan
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This project will explore the mechanisms utilized by adults in Australia and Korea to keep their skills current or to enhance their range of skills.
The research will investigate the institutional structures available in the two countries that either promote or act to discourage adult retraining. The mechanisms that are available across all course configurations will be examined and alternative delivery strategies will be evaluated to determine what aspects of the vocational education and training systems in the two countries are appropriate to meet the needs of adults who are either upskilling or retraining. The impact of modularization of courses and the introduction of on-line and flexible delivery will be evaluated. Both the public and private training systems will be examined and the role of firms in facilitating or delivering adult training will be explored across a range of industries.
The research will identify areas of the vocational education and training systems in the two countries which are providing positive outcomes for adults retraining or upskilling, and also highlight areas of the sector not adequately servicing the needs of this group. Synergies will be identified between the Korean and Australian training systems to assist each country improve their delivery of vocational education and training to adults who wish to improve their skills.
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction 1
1. Background of Study 1
2. Objectives of Study 2
3. Framework of Study 2
4. Data and Methodology 3
II. Skill Developments 7
Australia 7
1. The economic and labor market contexts 7
2. Current skill levels 15
3. The impact of demographic change 18
Korea 23
1. The economic and labor market contexts 23
2. Current skill levels 30
3. The impact of demographic change 32
III. Vocational Education and Training 35
Australia 35
1. Education system 35
2. The vocational secondary education system 35
3. The formal post-compulsory vocational education system 36
4. The funding of VET 38
5. The Australian Qualification Framework 40
6. Adult education 44
Korea 49
1. Education system 49
2. The Vocational Secondary Education System 50
3. Formal post-secondary vocational education 52
4. Vocational Training 57
5. National Technical Certification System 71
6. Credit Bank System 75
IV. Participation of Adult in Training 77
Australia 77
1. Participation in education and training 77
2. Financial support 78
3. Factors influencing adult participation in training 79
4. Reasons for participation in training 88
Korea 97
1. Participation of adults in education 97
2. Participation of adults in retraining and training 99
V. Summary and Conclusion 116
1. Comparison of Adult retraining and reskilling in Australia and Korea 116
2. The Implications from the Australian-Korea experience 125
References 133
Appendix I 136
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training), NCVER
Young-HyunLee. (2000-12-31). Adult Retraining and Reskilling in Korea and Australia.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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