2012 Human Resources Development Indicators in Korea
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. Socio-Economic Background
1. Population
1) Total Population Growth Rate & Estimation of Sex Ratio 3
2) Estimates of Productive Population by Age Group 4
3) Population Structure by Educational Attainment and Gender(2010) 5
4) Ratio of School Age Population to Total Population 6
5) Fertility Rate and Gender Ratio at Birth 6
6) Estimates of Population Composition and Ageing Index 7
7) Estimates of Dependency Ratios 7
8) Population Composition of Metropolitan Area 8
9) Number of Foreign Workers 9
10) Number of Emigrants 10
2. International Comparison of Population Structure
1) Total Population 11
2) Population Growth Rates 13
3) Total Fertility Rates 14
4) Old-Age Dependency Ratio 15
5) Percentage of Population with Completion of Upper Secondary Education by Age Group(2009) 16
6) Net Migration Rate 17
7) Foreign-born Population 18
8) Foreign Population and Foreign-born Nationals 19
9) Unemployment Rates of Foreign- and Native-born Population(Male) 20
10) Unemployment Rates of Foreign- and Native-born Population(Female) 21
11) Employment Rates of Native-born and Foreign-born Population by Educational Attainment 22
3. Economic Background
1) GDP and GNI 23
2) GDP Per Capita 23
3) GNI Per Capita 25
4) Real GDP Growth 26
5) GDP per Capita and Growth Rates for OECD Countries 27
6) Household Net Saving Rates 28
7) International Trade in Goods and Services 29
4. Social Background
1) Life Expectancy at Birth: Total 30
2) Life Expectancy at Birth: Men 31
3) Life Expectancy at Birth: Women 32
4) Infant Mortality 33
5) Population per Medical Personnels 34
6) Public and Private Expenditure on Pension 35
7) Income Inequality 36
8) Crime 37
9) Road Fatalities 38
5. Quality of Life
1) Poverty Rates and Poverty Gaps 39
2) Percentage of Youth Not in Education or Employment 40
3) Distribution of Leisure Time 41
4) Household Expenditure on Recreation and Culture 42
5) Government Expenditure on Recreation and Culture 43
6) Household and Government Expenditure on Recreation and culture 44
7) Arrivals of Non-Resident Tourists in Hotels and Similar Establishments or at Borders 45
8) People Reporting Volunteering or Social Support(2008) 46
9) People Reporting Various Positive Experiences 47
10) People Reporting Various Negative Experiences 48
6. National Competitiveness
1) World Competitiveness Ranking(2012) 49
2) World Competitiveness Ranking by Sector No. 1 50
3) World Competitiveness Ranking by Sector No. 2 52
4) World Competitiveness Ranking in Education Sector(2012) 54
5) Korea’s Educational Competitiveness by Year 55
6) Foreign Labor Force & High-skilled Foreign Workers 56
7) Brain Drain Index 57
8) Human Development Index(2011) 58
9) Gender-related Development Index(GDI), Equal Opportunity Index 59
10) Industrial Production Index 60
11) Scientific Environment Index(2012) 61
12) Technology Management Index(2012) 62
13) Intellectual Property 63
14) High-Tech Exports(2010) 64
Ⅱ. Education
A. Pre-Elementary Education
1. General Status
1) Number of Childcare Facilities 67
2) Type of Childcare Facilities by Enrolled Children(2011) 67
3) Childcare Facilities by Region and Type(2011) 68
4) Number of Kindergartens 69
5) Proportion of Kindergartens by Enrolled Children(2011) 69
6) Kindergartens by Region and Establishment Type(2011) 70
7) Kindergartens by Number of Classes(2011) 71
8) Kindergartens by Type of Operation 71
2. Children
1) Number of Children in Childcare Facilities 72
2) Children in Childcare Facilities by Establishment Type and Region(2011) 73
3) Enrollment Rate in Childcare Facilities 74
4) Enrollment Rate in Childcare Facilities by Region(2011) 74
5) Enrollment Rate in Childcare Facilities by Age and Establishment Type(2011) 75
6) Number of Children in Kindergarten 75
7) Number of Children by Region and Establishment Type(2011) 76
8) Number of Children per Kindergarten Class 76
9) Kindergarten Enrollment Rate 77
10) Kindergarten Enrollment Rate by Region(2009) 77
11) Kindergarten Enrollment Rate by Age and Establishment Type(2011) 78
3. Teachers
1) Number of Teachers in Kindergartens and Childcare Facilities 79
2) Number of Kindergarten Teachers by Position(2011) 79
3) Number of Kindergarten Teachers by Qualification(2011) 80
4) Number of Kindergarten Teachers by Teaching Experience(2011) 80
5) Number of Kindergarten Teachers by Age(2011) 80
6) Proportion of Female Kindergarten Teachers(2011) 81
7) Resignation Rate of Kindergarten Teachers 81
8) Number of Children per Teacher in Kindergartens and Childcare Facilities 82
4. Budget and Funds
1) Pre-Elementary Education Budget of Total Education Budget 83
2) Budget for Childcare 83
3) Pre-elementary Education Budget Support by Local Education Office 83
4) Monthly Average Kindergarten Fees by Establishment Type and Region(2009) 84
5) Government Support for Children in Low-income Families 84
B. Elementary and Secondary Education
1. General Status
1) Number of Elementary Schools 85
2) Number of Elementary School Classes 85
3) Number of Elementary School Students 86
4) Number of Elementary School Teachers 86
5) Number of Small Elementary Schools for the Past 8 Years 87
6) Number of Middle Schools 87
7) Number of Middle School Classes 88
8) Number of Middle School Students 88
9) Number of Middle School Teachers 89
10) Number of General High Schools 89
11) Number of General High School Classes 90
12) Number of General High School Students 90
13) Number of General High School Teachers 91
14) Status of Applied/Non-applied Area of High School Standardization Policy of the Past 10 Years 91
15) Standardization of High Schools by Region(2011) 92
16) Educational Conditions of Standardized/Non-Standardized Area(2011) 92
17) Comparison of High School Teachers in Standardized/ Non-Standardized Area(2009) 93
18) Employment/Enrollment Status after High School Graduation in Standardized/Non-Standardized Area(2011) 93
19) Applied/Non-applied Area of High School Standardization Policy 94
2. Students
1) Number of Students per School 95
2) Number of Students per Class 95
3) Enrollment Rate by School Level 96
4) Advancement Rate into Higher Education of General & Vocational High School Graduates 96
5) Advancement Rate to Higher Level of Education 97
6) Middle & High School Dropout Rate 97
7) Graduation Rate by School Level 98
8) Number of Applicants and Examinees of University Entrance Exam for the Past 7 Years 98
9) Comparison of Admission Quota of Higher Education Institution and Number of High School Graduates 99
10) Trends of Vocational High School Graduates’ Advancement into Higher Education 99
11) Students Supported by Scholarships & Tuition Fee Exemption in the past 6 Years 100
12) Students Going Overseas to Study by School Level 100
13) Students Going Abroad by Cause(2008 School Year) 101
14) Elementary Students Studying Abroad 101
15) Elementary Students Studying Abroad by Region(2010 School Year) 102
16) Middle & High School Students Studying Abroad 103
17) Middle & High School Students Studying Abroad by Region(2010 School Year) 104
3. Teachers
1) Number of Students per Teacher 105
2) Percentage of Elementary School Teachers by Age 105
3) Percentage of Middle School Teachers by Age 106
4) Percentage of High School Teachers by Age 106
5) Percentage of Vocational High School Teachers by Age 107
6) Average Age of Teachers for the Past 7 Years 107
7) Average Teaching Hours per Week 108
8) Teaching Hours per Week by City Size(2011) 108
9) Teaching Hours per Week by Position(2011) 109
10) Proportions of Permanent and Temporary Teachers 109
11) Status of Elementary School Teachers by Position 110
12) Status of Middle School Teachers by Position 110
13) Status of High School Teachers by Position 111
14) Status of Vocational High School Teachers by Position 111
15) Status of Retired Teachers in the Past 7 Years 112
16) Retirement Rate of Teachers in the Past 7 Years 112
17) Percentage of Female Teachers in the Past 7 Years 113
18) Percentage of Women in Managerial Positions(Principal, Vice-Principal) by Year and School Level 113
19) Status of Educational Profession 114
20) Provision Rate of Elementary Teachers by Region(2008) 114
21) Provision Rate of Secondary Teachers by Region(2008) 115
22) Admission Quota of Elementary Teacher Training Institutes(2009 School Year) 115
23) Admission Quota of Secondary Teacher Training Institutes(2009 School Year) 116
24) Number of Applicants and Successful Candidates of Secondary Teacher Recruitment Examination 117
25) Number of Applicants and Successful Candidates of Secondary Teacher Recruitment Examination by Region(2011) 118
26) Secondary Teacher’s License 119
4. Budget and Funds
1) Budget of Central Government and Ministry of Education, Science & Technology(MEST) 120
2) Educational Expenditure Rate per Household 120
3) Household’s Monthly Average Educational Expenditure 121
4) Payment for Elementary and Middle School(2011) 121
5) Middle & High School Students Supported by Scholarships & Tuition Fee Exemption 122
6) Funds for School Development(2006) 122
7) Funds for School Development by Region(2006) 123
8) Support Funds for School Expenses of Low-income Group(2006) 124
9) After School Programs by Tuition Fee(2007) 126
10) Hourly Wage for After School Teachers(June, 2010) 126
C. Higher Education
1. General Status
1) Higher Education Institutions(2011) 127
2) Number of Higher Education Institutions 128
3) Graduate Schools by Type 129
4) Enrollment Rate of Higher Education Institutions 130
5) Universities in Capital Area(2011) 130
6) Junior Colleges in Capital Area(2011) 131
7) Admission Quota in Capital Area(2011) 131
8) High School Graduates by Region and Academic Field(2011) 132
9) Admission Quota for Colleges & Universities and High School Graduates by Region(2011) 133
2. Students
1) Enrollments in Higher Education Institutions 134
2) Admission Quota of Higher Education Institutions 134
3) Composition of Higher Education Students by Academic Field(University) 135
4) Higher Education Students by Academic Field(Junior College) 135
5) Competition and Enrollment Rates of Universities by Academic Field 136
6) Competition and Enrollment Rates of Junior Colleges by Academic Field 138
7) Enrollment Rate of Higher Education Institutions by Region(2011) 140
8) Foreign Students in University and Junior College 141
9) Employment and Advancement Rate of Graduates 141
10) Employment & Advancement(University) 142
11) Employment & Advancement(Junior College) 142
12) Employment & Advancement(Industrial Univ.) 143
13) Employment & Advancement(Univ. of Education) 143
14) Employment & Advancement(Miscellaneous School) 144
15) Higher Education Enrollments per 10,000 Population 144
16) Transferred Students by Academic Field(University) 145
17) Transferred Students by Region(University) 145
18) Dropout Rate in Higher Education Institutions 146
19) Students on Temporary Leave and Delisted by Academic Field(University) 146
20) Students on Temporary Leave and Delisted by Region 147
21) Operation of Educational Consignment Programs in Junior College 148
22) Graduate Students by Establishment Type 149
23) Graduate Students by Degree Program 149
24) Competition and Enrollment Rates in Graduate Schools by Degree Program 150
25) Competition and Enrollment Rates in Graduate Schools by Academic Field 151
26) Ph.D. Degree Recipients by Academic Field per 10,000 Population 153
27) Ph.D. Degree Recipients from Korean and Foreign Institutions 153
28) Ph.D. Degree Recipients from Foreign Institutions by Country(2011) 154
29) Rate of University Tuition Fee Increase by Establishment Type and Academic Field 155
3. Faculty Members
1) Provision Rate of Faculty Members by Establishment Type(2007) 156
2) Faculty Members by Major(University) 157
3) Faculty Members by Major(Junior College) 157
4) Proportion of Female Faculty Members 158
5) Part-time Lecturers by Establishment Type 158
6) Ratio of Part-time Lecturers to Full-time Lecturers 159
7) Proportion of Foreign Full-time Lecturers 160
8) Newly Hired Lecturers by Gender 160
9) Newly Hired Lecturers by Korean and Foreign Degree Awarded 161
10) Enrollments per Full-time Lecturer 161
11) Teaching Hours per Week by Establishment Type 162
12) Number of Students and Lecturers per Staff 162
4. Budget and Funds
1) Financial Support Provided by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to Higher Education Institutions 163
2) Breakdown of Public Funds for Higher Education Institutions by Program(2004~2005) 163
3) Breakdown of Public Funds for Junior Colleges(2005) 164
4) Payment of Fees in Colleges and Universities(2011) 165
5) Scholarship Support & Tuition Fee Exemption 165
6) Number of Students Supported by Scholarship & Tuition Fee Exemption(2011) 166
5. Graduates Employment
1) Graduates Employment by Type of Institution and Degree(2011) 167
2) Graduates Employment by Region(2011) 168
3) Graduates Employment Status by Type of Institution(2009) 169
4) Employment and Advancement Rate of Graduates by Gender(2011) 169
5) Graduates Employment Rate by Type of Institution and Gender(2011) 170
6) Graduates Employment by Academic Field(2011) 170
7) Top-ten Majors with Highest Employment Rate 171
8) Major Industries Hiring Higher Education Graduates(2009) 172
9) Major Occupations Entered by Graduates(2009) 173
10) Level of Major-Job Match among Graduates(2009) 173
11) Channels of Finding Employment(2009) 174
6. Students Studying Abroad
1) Foreign Students in Higher Education 175
2) Foreign Students in Higher Education by Region of Origin 175
3) Foreign Students in Higher Education by Type of Funding 175
4) Foreign Students in Higher Education by Country, Field and Establishment Type(2011) 176
5) Foreign Students in Higher Education by Main Student-sending Country (2011) 176
6) Korean Students Studying Abroad 177
7) Korean Students in Foreign Higher Education Institutions by Region 177
8) Korean Students in Foreign Higher Education Institutions by Region and Course(2010) 178
9) Korean Students in Foreign Higher Education Institutions by Main Hosting Country 178
D. International Comparison of Education
1. General Status
1) Enrollment Rate by Age(2010) 179
2) Students per Class in Elementary and Lower Secondary Education by Type of Institution(2010) 180
3) Pre-Elementary Education 181
4) Population Aged 15 to 20 by Level of Education(2009) 182
5) Types of Post-Secondary Enrollment(2009) 183
6) Entry Rates of Tertiary Education and Age Distribution of New Entrants(2010) 184
7) Trends in Tertiary Education Entry Rates(2003~2010) 185
8) Students in Tertiary Education by Type of Institution and Mode of Enrollment(2010) 186
9) Percentage of Exchange and Foreign Students in Tertiary Education(2010) 187
10) Distribution of Foreign Students in Higher Education by Country of Destination(2010) 188
11) Distribution of Exchange and Foreign Students in Tertiary Education by Country of Origin(2010) 190
12) Compulsory and Intended Instruction Time in Public Institutions(2010) 192
13) Instruction Time per Subject as a Percentage of Total Compulsory Instruction Time for 9-11 Year-olds(2010) 193
14) Instruction Time per Subject as a Percentage of Total Compulsory Instruction Time for 12-14 Year-olds(2010) 194
15) Teacher Salaries(2010) 195
16) Teachers’ Working Time(2010) 196
17) Number of Students per Teacher(2010) 197
2. Academic Achievement
1) Countries Rankings in Reading, Mathematics and Science Performance(2009) 198
2) Percentage of Students at Each Proficiency Level on the Reading Scale(2009) 199
3) Percentage of Students at Each Proficiency Level on the Mathematics Scale(2009) 201
4) Percentage of Students at Each Proficiency Level on the Science Scale(2009) 203
5) Mean Score, Variation and Gender Differences in Student Performance on the Science Scale(PISA 2009) 205
6) Mean Score, Variation and Gender Differences in Student Performance on the Reading Scale(PISA 2009) 206
7) Mean Score, Variation and Gender Differences in Student Performance on the Mathematics Scale(PISA 2009) 207
3. Graduation Rate
1) Upper Secondary Graduation Rate(2010) 208
2) Trends in Upper Secondary Graduation Rate(1995~2010) 209
3) Graduation Rates at Tertiary Level(2010) 210
4) Trends in Graduation Rates at Tertiary Level(2002~2010) 211
5) Graduates at Tertiary Level by Field(2009) 212
6) Percentage of Population with Tertiary Education: Aged 25-64(1998~2009) 213
7) Percentage of Population with Tertiary Education: Aged 25-34(1998~2009) 214
8) Percentage of Population with Tertiary Education: Aged 55-64(1998~2009) 215
9) Relative Income of the Population with Tertiary Education by Gender: Aged 25-64 216
4. Budget and Funds
1) Expenditure on Educational Institutions for OECD Countries by Type of Expense and Level of Education(2009) 217
2) Expenditure on Educational Institutions as a Percentage of GDP by Level of Education(2009) 217
3) Annual Expenditure of Educational Institutions per Student for OECD Countries(2009) 218
4) Change in Expenditure on Educational Institutions Relative to GDP for OECD Countries 218
5) Expenditure of Educational Institutions by Source of Funds and Level of Education(2009) 219
6) Expenditure of Educational Institutions Relative to GDP by Source of Funds and Level of Education(2009) 220
7) Expenditure on Educational Institutions per Student and Change in Expenditure: Elementary, Secondary and Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Education 221
8) Expenditure on Educational Institutions per Student and Change in Expenditure: Tertiary Education 222
9) Trends in Proportions of Public Expenditure on Tertiary Educational Institutions and Index of Change 223
E. Vocational Education
1. Status of Vocational Education
1) Specialized High Schools by Region(2011) 224
2) Number of Vocational High Schools 224
3) Number of Vocational High School Classes 225
4) Number of Vocational High School Students 225
5) Number of Vocational High School Teachers 226
6) Vocational High Schools by Type 227
7) Meister High Schools 229
8) Vocational High School Entrants by Field 231
9) Number of Students per Teacher by Type of Vocational High School 232
10) General High School Students to Vocational High School Students Ratio 233
11) Vocational Courses in General High Schools 234
12) Number of Junior Colleges 235
13) Number of Junior College Students 235
14) Number of Junior College Teachers 236
15) Advancement and Employment Rates of Junior College Graduates 236
16) Technical Colleges and Corporate Universities 237
17) Employment Rate of Vocational Education Graduates by Level of Education 238
18) Major and Job Matching Employment Rate of Vocational Education Graduates 239
F. Lifelong Education
1. Status of Lifelong Education
1) Lifelong Education Institutions by Region(2011) 240
2) Lifelong Education Institutions by Type(2011) 241
3) Accredited Lifelong Education Facilities 242
4) Lifelong Education Institutions Attached to Higher Education Institutions (2011) 243
5) Designation of Lifelong Learning Cities 244
6) Placement of Lifelong Educators by Type of Institution(2011) 245
7) Placement of Lifelong Educators by Region(2011) 245
8) Training of Lifelong Educators 246
9) Number of Students Aged 25 and Over in Higher Education 247
10) Air & Correspondence High Schools by Region(2011) 248
11) Air & Correspondence Universities 249
12) Distance and Cyber Universities(2011) 249
13) Application Success Rate of Self-study Bachelor’s Degree Examination 250
14) Application Success Rate of Self-study Bachelor’s Degree Examination by Region(2011) 250
15) Application Success Rate of Self-study Bachelor’s Degree Examination by Occupation(2011) 251
16) Private Institutes & Course Enrollment 252
17) Course Enrollment by Occupational Status 252
18) Corporate Universities/Colleges(2011) 253
2. Academic Credit Bank System
1) Education & Training Institutions by Type(2011) 254
2) Enrollments by Type of Institutions(2011) 255
3) Enrollments by Age 256
4) Degrees Conferred through Academic Credit Bank System 257
5) Number of Accredited Courses 258
Ⅲ. Labor Market
1. Participation in Economic Activities
1) Economically Active Population by Gender 261
2) Labor Force Participation Rate by Age 262
3) Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment Level 262
4) Attitudes toward Female Employment 263
5) Percentage of Professional․Managerial Workers among Employed Females 264
6) Percentage of Female Employees in Government Sector 265
7) Average Weekly Working Hours by Gender and Industry 266
8) Average Monthly Working Days by Industry 268
9) Levels of Satisfaction with Working Conditions 1 270
10) Levels of Satisfaction with Working Conditions 2 272
11) Production Structure 274
12) Attitudes toward Possibility of Social Mobility 276
2. Employed and Unemployed Population
1) Composition of Employment by Industry 278
2) Employment by Occupation(2011) 278
3) Discouraged Workers 279
4) Unemployment Rate by Educational Attainment 279
5) Unemployment Rate by Age 280
6) Labor Force Participation Rate and Unemployment Rate of Persons Aged 60 & Over 280
7) Employment Separation Rate by Industry 281
8) Economically Inactive Population by Activity Status(Male) 282
9) Economically Inactive Population by Activity Status(Female) 283
10) Composition of Employed Persons by Occupation 284
11) Distribution of Employed Persons by Worker's Status(All Industries) 285
12) Labor Shortage Ratio by Establishment Size 286
13) Unemployed Population by Age Group(Continued) 287
13) Unemployed Population by Age Group 288
3. Economically Active Youth Population
1) Trends in Economically Active Youth Population 289
2) Additional Survey on Economically Active Youth Population 290
3) Economic Activities of Youth Population in Usual Day(2008) 291
4) Total and Youth Unemployment Rates 291
5) Youth Unemployment Rate by Month(Aged 15~29) 292
6) The Youth Unemployed Depending on Employment Experience 293
7) Time Required for Young Graduates/Dropouts to Get First Job 294
8) Channels of Finding Employment for Young Graduates/Dropouts(2012) 294
9) Number of the Employed Youth(Aged 15 to 29) by Type of Employment (2008) 295
10) Preparation for Recruitment Exams Among Economically Inactive Youth Population(2012) 295
11) International Comparison of Youth Unemployment Rate(2011) 296
12) Economic Activities of People Aged 15 to 24 in OECD Countries 297
4. Wage
1) Distribution of Workers by Wage 298
2) Wages by Educational Attainment and Gender 299
3) Wages by Industry and Gender(Companies with 5 or more Employees) 300
4) Wages by Occupation and Gender(Companies with 5 or more Employees) 302
5) Ratio of Compensation of Employees to NI 303
6) Trends in Monthly Income of Urban Wage Earners' Households 304
7) Income Distribution by Decile & Concentration Index(Urban Wage Earners' Households) 305
8) Labor Productivity Index 306
9) Trends in Labor Costs per Regular Employee 307
5. International Comparison of Labor Market
1) Employment Rates: Total 308
2) Employment Rates: Men 309
3) Employment Rates: Women 310
4) Employment Rates by Level of Education and Gender(2010) 311
5) Employment Rates for Age Group 15-24 312
6) Employment Rates for Age Group 25-54 313
7) Employment Rates for Age Group 55-64 314
8) Percentage of Part-time Employment 315
9) Self-employment Rates: Total 316
10) Self-employment Rates: Men 317
11) Self-employment Rates: Women 318
12) Unemployment Rates: Total 319
13) Unemployment Rates: Men 320
14) Unemployment Rates: Women 321
15) Long-term Unemployment 322
16) Labor Compensation per Unit Labor Input, Total Economy 323
17) Labor Compensation per Hour, Total Economy 324
18) Unit Labor Costs, Business Sector 325
19) Average Hours Actually Worked 326
Ⅳ. Vocational Education & Training(VET)
1. Skills Development
1) Status of VET 329
2) Status of VET Programs 330
3) The Number of VET Institutes 331
4) Participating Establishments by the Number of Trainees 332
5) Participating Establishments by Industry 333
6) Trainees on VET Programs by Establishment Size 334
7) Trainees on VET Programs by Industry 335
8) Trainees on VET Programs by Type of Occupation 336
9) Participating Establishments by Training Course 337
10) Trainees on VET Programs by Training Course 337
11) Trainees on VET Programs by Training Method 338
12) VET Loan Programs by Characteristic of Beneficiaries 339
13) VET Re-employment Programs by Characteristic of Participants 340
14) Completion of VET Programs for Re-employment 341
15) Participation Rate in VET of the Employed by Firm Size 342
16) Vocational Training as a Countermeasure against Unemployment 342
17) Expenditure on Education and Training by Company Size (Companies with 10 or more Employees) 343
18) Revenue and Expenditure of Employment Insurance Fund 344
19) Number of Employment Security Offices 345
20) Job Placement by Type of Employment Security Office 346
21) Factors Affecting Job Selection by Gender & Educational Attainment(2011) 347
2. Investment and Cost in Skills Development
1) Investment in Vocational Training 348
2) Proportion of Education and Training Costs Relative to Labor Costs for Companies 348
3) Funding Support for VET by the Scale 349
4) Funding Support for VET by Industry 350
5) Funding Support for VET by Occupation 351
6) Funding Support for VET by Training Course 352
7) Funding Support for VET by Training Method 352
3. Qualifications
1) Applicants for National Technical Qualifications 353
2) National Technical Qualifications Acquired 354
3) National Technical Qualifications Acquired by Vocational High School Students 355
4) National Technical Qualifications Acquired by Junior College Students 356
Ⅴ. Research & Development, Science & Technology
1. Research & Development, Science & Technology
1) R&D Cost: Total 359
2) Number of Researchers by Institute 359
3) Ratio of Researchers to Economically Active Population(Aged 15-64) 360
4) Researchers with Degrees by Type of Institute(2010) 361
5) Number of Researchers by Major 362
6) International Comparison of Researchers: Full-Time Equivalent 362
7) R&D Costs by Type of Institute 363
8) R&D Costs by Type of Research 363
9) International Comparison of R&D Costs 364
10) International Comparison of R&D Costs per Person 364
11) R&D Costs by Source of Finance 365
12) International Comparison of R&D Costs by Source of Finance 365
13) International Comparison of R&D Costs Spent by Research Institute 365
14) International Comparison of SCI Papers(2009) 366
15) SCI Paper Publications per Professor(2009) 367
16) Number of Domestic Patents and Patent Registrations of Major Countries 368
17) Number of Registrations of Intellectual Property 368
18) Technology Balance of Payments 369
2. International Comparison of Science & Technology
1) Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D(GERD) 370
2) Investment in Knowledge 372
3) Researchers 373
4) Triadic Patent Families 374
5) Share of ICT in Value Added(2006) 375
6) Shares of ICT Investment in Non-residential Gross Fixed Capital Formation 376
7) Share of ICT-related Occupations in the Total Economy 377
8) Households with Access to Home Computers and the Internet 378
9) Exports of ICT Equipment 379
10) Telephone Access 380
- Publisher
- 한국직업능력개발원
- Citation
- KRIVET. (2013-11-18). 2012 Human Resources Development Indicators in Korea.
- Type
- Book
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- 연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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