Vocational Education and Training in Korea

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Young-bumParkJisun Chung
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Chapter I. Social and Economic Background of Korea and VET
1. Social Background prior to 1960 5
2. Labor Intensive and Export-Oriented Industrial Development, 1960s~1970s 8
3. Technology-Intensive Economic Development, 1980s~1990s 13
4. Development of Knowledge-Based Society and Stabilized Development Period, 2000s 17
5. Characteristics of Vocational Education and Training in the Process of Economic Development 21

Chapter II. Vocational Education System
1. Overview of Education System 32
2. Development of Vocational Education 36
3. Vocational Education at the Secondary Level 40
4. Vocational Education at the Higher Level: Vocational College 54
5. Directions for Future Development 62
References 65

Chapter III. Vocational Training System
1. Introduction 69
2. Development Process 72
3. Major Institutions and Policies 79
4. Implementation System 107
References 119

Chapter IV. Evaluation of Vocational Training
1. Evaluation of Training Providers 126
2. Screening of Vocational Training Programs 135
3. Conclusion 161
References 162

Chapter V. Trends and Issues of Career Education in Korea
1. Overview of Career Education 165
2. Policy of Career Education 170
3. Delivery System of Career Education 188
4. Trends and Issues of Career Education 195
Appendix Changes in Major Career Education-related Policies(1982 to present) 201
References 204

Chapter VI. Vocational Qualifications System
1. Introduction 209
2. Development of Vocational Qualification System 211
3. Current State of the Vocational Qualifications System in Korea 223
4. Changes in Vocational Qualification System and National Competency Standards 238
5. Conclusion 247
References 249
Young-bumPark. (2013-11-04). Vocational Education and Training in Korea.
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연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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