1. New Directions for Customized Training at Junior Colleges 1 2. Editorial Design and Development System for High School Vocational Textbook 5 3. The Policy Implications of Effective Funding for Junior Colleges 12 4. Countermeasures against Teacher Problems Arising from the Restructuring of Vocational High Schools 15 5. Restructuring Directions for the Korean Qualification System 17 6. New Directions for the Improvement of Specialized High Schools 22 7. Developmental Model for Skill & Function Encouragement in the Personnel Management System 27 8. Manpower Structure and the Demand for Vocational Education and Training in Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Industries 30 9. Reforming the Career Guidance System for Korean Secondary School Students 32 10. The Development of Evaluation Standards for Vocational High Schools 37 11. Linkage between Vocational Education, Training Providers, and Industry 39 12. Manpower Policy Directions and Issues Based on the Industrialization of Knowledge in Korea 42 13. An Evaluation System for Vocational Training in Korea 50 14. Accounting for the Stock of Human Capital 57 15. Employment Analysis of University-graduates: Focus on Prestigious Universities and Departments 60 16. A Comparison of VET-related Laws and Systems 64 17. The Impact of Overeducating on the Korean Labor Market 66 18. Evaluating the Basic Learning Competencies of Junior College Students 68 19. The Development and Field Application of the Teaching-Learning Model in Vocational High Schools 70 20. National Competency Standard Systems 77 21. An Implementation Scheme for the Certification of Key Skills 81 22. Cost and Benefit Analysis of Acquiring National Technical Qualification 87 23. Adult Retraining and Reskilling in Korea and Australia 91 24. Promoting Human Resources Development in Companies 96 25. A Scheme to Improve Workers' Vocational Training System 102 26. Linkage between Two-year College Education and the Qualification System 107 27. The Qualification Systems of France and those of Korea 112 28. Developing Career Guidance Programs for Parent Education 115 29. Development of a Vocational Aptitude Inventory for Secondary School Students (I) 117 30. Building Information on Good Jobs for the 21st Century 119 31. Strategies for Strengthening Subject-based Environmental Education 121 32. A Comprehensive Plan for Vocational Education and Training through Lifelong Learning(I) 129 33. A Plan for the Efficient Operation of Vocational Home Economics Curriculum at the Business High School 135 34. Human Resources Development through Cyber Education 143
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)