제3차년도('01) 진로정보센터 운영 결과 보고

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The 3th (2001) Annual of Career Development Center
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진로정보센터는 1999년 설립 이후 3년차인 2001년에는 진로상담센터 운영을 통한 진로지도 및 상담 서비스 제공, 진로지도망 커리어넷의 개선 및 운영, 진로지도 관련 각종 프로그램 및 자료 개발, 진로지도 관련 전문인력에 대한 교육 및 연수 기회 제공 등의 기능을 충실하게 수행하였음
Since Career Development Center (CDC) has been established on 1999, the CDC has provided variety of career information, guidance and counselling services to the clients who are mostly young students and parents.
One of the fundamental functions of the CDC is operating the career information desk to enable the clients to review a wide range of books, video tapes, and CD-Roms as the essential tool for planning their career. Career-Net designed to provide self-directed on-line career guidance system and job exhibition regularly open every year are another important outcomes on the CDC as the efficient delivery models. About 286,669 cases are connected with Career-Net during last 9 moths. Classroom-based career education programs, one-to-one and group counselling, telephone advisory service, computer-based advice and information for young people and for adults are the results on the CDC for 2001.
For individual' s career planning, many types of the vocational psychology tests such as Vocational Interest, Vocational Fundamental Skill, Work Value, and Career Transition Preparation have been utilized through computer-based or paper-penciled. More than about 240,000 students and adults of cases are examined the vocational psychology tests to better understand her or himself on during one year . The results and career advice according to its tests were provided the clients individually and collectively by qualified professional career counsellor who works for CDC.
As the result of analysis on the characteristics of clients on CDC, 87.7% of total clients are young students from primary to high school. 68.9% from Seoul and 26.2% from Kyung-gi are most area clients from. It can be explained due to neighboring districts with CDC located in. 73.8% of clients visited the CDC by recommendation from others. Mostly never experienced either the vocational psychology tests(79.1%) or career counselling services(87.8%). Both period in summer and winter vacation are often visited. The most wanted services in career counselling are understanding self-knowledge, where career information located, planning career, and conflict resolution on their career choice orderly. 74.4% of cases of face-to-face career counselling are closed on 2nd visits.
As the result of on-line counselling cases in the Career-net, 1,351 cases among 4,326 are for high school student, 1,449 cases are for middle school students, and 1,526 cases are for women, job-seeking young people, and students at the elementary and university level. It can be concluded that most clients on cyber career counselling are students at the middle and high school level than any others due to their urgency matter in deciding further education entrance...
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 진로정보센터의 현황 및 개요 1
1. 설치과정 및 연혁 1
2. 기능 및 역할 2
3. 조직 2
4. 1999-2001년 사업운영의 전반적 개요 6
II. 진로상담실의 운영 현황 9
1. 전체 현황 9
2. 상담사례 및 검사활용 현황 분석 19
3. 커리어넷 게시판 상담사례 분석 30
4. 각종 프로그램 개발 및 운영 50
5. 진로관련 학술대회 개최 63
III. 진로정보망 커리어넷의 수정·보완 개발 75
1. 필요성 75
2. 방법 75
3. 내용 76
4. 성과 81
IV. 진로성숙도 검사 및 직업가치관 검사 개발 83
1. 진로성숙도 검사 83
2. 직업가치관 검사 94
V. 향후 운영을 위한 제언 101
1. 직업진로지도관련 연구 및 중앙센터로서의 위상확립을 위한 인적·물적자원 확보 101
2. 법적 근거 및 안정적 재원의 확보 102
3. 커리어넷의 보완 및 확충 103
4. 진로상담 관련교사 및 상담자들을 위한 연수 및 교육의 강화 103
5. 지역진로지도서비스 체계의 구축 및 지원 103
6. 양질의 진로관련 정보 및 프로그램의 지속적 개발 104
참 고 문 헌 105
부 록 113
진미석. (2001-12-31). 제3차년도('01) 진로정보센터 운영 결과 보고.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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