2001학년도 실업계 고등학교 교육과정 자율운영 실험학교 지원사업

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2001 Experimental Vocational High School Level Autonomous Curriculum Implementation Guidelines
Publication Year
본 사업은 교육과정 자율운영 실험학교의 2001학년도 운영 계획과 요구에 따른 지원 계획을 수립하며, 수립된 교육과정 자율운영 실험학교 지원 계획에 따라 단위 학교별·운영 및 지원 체제별로 다양한 지원 활동을 전개하고, 교육과정 자율운영 실험학교의 운영 성과와 지원 활동을 평가하여 향후 지원 방향을 수립하는 데 그 목적이 있다.
This project offers a support plan according to the 2001 operation plans for selected autonomous curriculum implementation experimental schools and their needs. Pursuant to these school plans, the results of the various operation and support systems provided to each school are evaluated to set their future directions.
To accomplish project goals, 1) curriculum implementation plans were analyzed to identify major operation school framework per 2001; 2) needs per school were analyzed to draw up and implement support plans; and 3) presentation of and discussions on the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Schools three-year period operation results were conducted. Basic school operation and support framework decisions were based on school operation results and discussion.
For this project, 16 school 2001 operation plans and related materials were analyzed to aid in the establishment of a comprehensive support plan for school operation and support activity provisions. In addition, personal interviews identified individual needs for support necessary in 2001 per school unit and provided in-depth support activity analysis.
An expert consultation committee was organized to draw out a school curriculum implementation based support plan and activity evaluation framework. Expert pools were organized to respond to school training needs and provide curriculum revision and supplementation advice according to support needs per school. In particular, workshops were conducted for teaching and learning method improvement, a major school education requirement in 2001, and for course major selection diagnosis tools development.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 사업의 개요 1
1. 사업의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 사업 내용 3
3. 사업 추진 방법 4
Ⅱ. 실험학교 운영 경과 및 지원 방향 7
1. 2000학년도 실험학교 운영 및 지원 경과 7
2. 2001학년도 실험학교 지원 방향 11
Ⅲ. 사업의 전개 및 결과 21
1. 지원 활동 전개 21
2. 실험학교 운영 추진 경과 검토 및 협의 지원 40
3. 실험학교 지원에 대한 평가 62
Ⅳ. 요약 및 향후 지원 방향 65
1. 2001학년도 지원 사업 요약 65
2. 향후 지원 방향 67
참고문헌 71
부 록 81
장명희. (2001-12-31). 2001학년도 실업계 고등학교 교육과정 자율운영 실험학교 지원사업.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)

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