Vocational Training and Technical Qualification System in Korea and South Africa

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The objective of this study is to examine the vocational training and technical qualification system in Korea and South Africa. The analysis focused on the relationships among economic policy, education and training system, technical qualifications.
Synergies were identified between the Korean and South African systems to assist each country improve their vocational training and technical qualification systems.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
1. Background of Study 1
2. Purpose of the Study 4
3. Organization and Contents of the Study 4
4. Data and Methodology 4
Ⅱ. Country Profile and Socio-economic Backgrounds 7
1. Country Profile 7
2. The economic and labor marker Contexts 8
3. Current skill levels 16
4. The impact of demographic change 18
South Africa
1. Country Profile 20
2. The economic and labor marker Contexts 22
3. Current skill levels 36
4. Future Skill Demands 39
5. Inequalities in South Africa 43
6. Disease Impacts on the Economy 46
Ⅲ. Vocational Education and Training 49
1. Education system 49
2. The vocational secondary education system 53
3. Formal post-secondary vocational education 55
4. Vocational training 64
South Africa
1. Education change and transformation: key strategic shifts 1994-2001 78
2. Innovation and change in education: laying the foundation of the post-apartheid education and training system 86
3. Education system 92
4. The Human Resource Development Strategy 113
Ⅳ. Vocational Qualification System 131
1. The Structure of Korean Qualification System 131
2. Historical Development of the Technical Qualification System 132
3. Enachtment of the National Technical Qualification System 150
4. The Structure of NTQS 152
5. Administration of Certification Process 161
6. Formulation and Administration of Exam Questions 165
7. Credit Bank System 169
8. Authorization of Private Qualification by the Goverment 171
9. Analysis of Test Results of the National Technical Qualification System 173
10. Cross-Border Recognition of National Technical Qualifications 176
11. Current Effects on Upgrading the National Technical Qualification System 188
South Africa
1. Historical Context 189
2. Introducation to New Qualification System(NQF) 192
3. The Structure of the National Qualifications Framework(NQF) 202
4. Standards Setting 209
5. Level Descriptors in the NQF 221
6. Engineering Qualification System 227
7. Analysis of Testing Results by INDLELA 236
Ⅴ. Summary and conclusion 241
1. Comparison-in contexts of vocational training and technical qualifications in Korea and South Africal 241
2. Implications from the South African-Korea experience 248
References 257
Appendix 261
한국직업능력개발원. Department of Labor, South Africa
Young-HyunLee. (2002-03-29). Vocational Training and Technical Qualification System in Korea and South Africa.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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