NGO의 교육훈련사업 실태와 과제

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The status of and the issues for vocational education and training provided by NGOs
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본 연구는 NGO에서 실시하고 있는 교육훈련사업의 실태를 파악하고, NGO의 원활한 교육훈련사업 수행을 위한 과제를 도출해내는 것을 연구목적으로 한다. 구체적으로는 첫째, NGO의 일반 시민을 대상으로 하는 교육훈련사업의 실태를 파악하여 분석하는 것이다. 이와 더불어 NGO 교육훈련사업을 담당하고 있는 NGO 종사자의 직무능력개발 실태를 파악하여 분석할 것이다. 둘째, 총체적 학습사회 구현을 위해 NGO의 원활한 교육훈련사업 및 내실화를 위한 과제를 제시하는 것이다.
Recently the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has grown important in various fields, including education and training, human resources development, and social welfare. Despite several legal improvements and increased social concern, support from the government has been weak and only a few systematical studies about the actual condition of NGO-provided education and training are available. NGOs have provided various social services and thus there is a need to study the actual conditions of NGSs in human resources development for both their employees and members, which can set the groundwork for the realization of a comprehensive learning society and the establishment of social learning network. It is essential for our society to participate in NGO's education training programs to achieve a civic society of network learning where citizens play a key role in criticizing freely over public issues and actively taking part in society.
In this regard, this study aims to analyze the actual conditions of NGO's education and training programs and make suggestions to help improve the performance of NGO's programs.
In particular, the first aim of this study is to analyze the actual conditions of NGO's human resources development programs intended for the general public and NGO workers who serve human resources development programs. And the second aim of this study is to make suggestions would increase the probability of realizing a comprehensive learning society. This report surveyed general civic groups providing human resources development programs, except employer and labor groups.
This report sampled 290 groups offering human resources development programs using the「Directory of Korean NGOs 2003」which contains about 10,000 groups. Of the groups selected, as many as 116 groups belonged to the civil society sector and 71 groups were in the social service sector. The majority number of NGOs offering human resources development programs were concentrated in the Seoul, Kyunggi and Jeollabukdo areas and in that order. Of those, 140 groups offered such programs.
This report surveyed 290 civic groups from the「Directory of Korean NGOs 2003」and 355 affiliated groups of Solidarity network, during from July to August in 2004. The total number of groups surveyed is 77 groups, including 36(46.8%) groups belonging to the civil society sector, 22(28.6%) groups in the social service field, 10(13.0%) groups in the field of labor, farming and fishery, 5(6.5%) groups in the education and academic field, 2(2.6%) environmental protection groups, and 1(1.3%) group for each culture and media, and religion sectors. According to the statistics in this report, agricultural training programs offered to the public accounted for 29.3%, volunteer training programs accounted for 13.8%, sex education for the youth accounted for 10.0%, children's education programs stood at 5.5%, women education programs constituted 5.3%, and counsellor training programs accounted for 2.8%. The programs funded by the central and local governments included agricultural training(36.8%), volunteer training(36.8%), sex education for young people(11.8%), women education(4.2%), professional career training(3.5%), and leadership education(3.5%).
Most groups surveyed pointed out that insufficient funding is the most serious problem in providing programs. And the majority of groups survey customer satisfaction after the completion of programs and more than 60 percent of the groups surveyed have full-time employers in charge of education. It is expected that more than 73 percent of groups will have human resources education programs.
Under the peculiar political circumstances, Korean NGOs have not fully tried to design programs addressing unemployment issues and economic activities. There are some major issues being confronted and the most important one to resolve is to secure basic components, including humanware, software and hardware, and to establish the networks between institutions.
In terms of humanware, each civil group needs to secure training experts and active learners. As for software, each group must have specialized programs and management. As for hardware, each group should be equipped with educational facilities and have sufficient funds. Moreover there must be a close network system connecting different groups.
In conclusion, for successful management of the training programs provided by NGOs, there must be an institutional system, such as a legislative framework, which does not violate the independency and autonomy of NGOs. Besides, each NGO must secure program managers who can train learners by using materials and human resources, and should create a closely-working network system.
Table Of Contents
요 약
제1장 서론
제1절 연구 필요성 및 목적 1
제2절 연구 방법 3
제3절 선행연구 분석 4
1. 사회교육 관련 4
2. 여성 NGO 관련 5
3. 자활사업 관련 5
4. 선행연구의 시사점 8
제2장 NGO의 일반적 현황
제1절 NGO의 개념 및 유형 9
1. NGO의 개념 9
2. NGO의 유형분류 12
제2절 우리나라 NGO의 현황 16
1. NGO의 설립현황 16
2. NGO의 활동영역 18
3. NGO의 조직형태 19
4. NGO의 교육 활동 20
제3절 NGO에 대한 지원형태 21
1. NGO의 정부지원 배경 21
2. 중앙정부의 지원 25
3. 지방정부의 지원 30
제3장 NGO의 교육훈련사업 실태
제1절 NGO의 교육훈련사업 개요 33
제2절 NGO 종사자의 인적자원관리 36
1. 급여수준 37
2. 채용 및 승진 38
3. 노동시간 39
4. 직무교육훈련 39
5. 교육훈련과 이ㆍ전직 41
6. 시사점 43
제3절 NGO의 교육훈련사업 실태조사 45
1. 조사 개요 45
2. NGO의 정부지원에 관한 의견 52
3. 교육훈련 프로그램 54
제4장 NGO의 교육훈련사업 사례
제1절 시민교육 사례: (사)인터넷 시민학교 73
1. 설립목적 및 현황 74
2. 교육내용과 강좌구성 78
제2절 직업훈련 사례: 여성인력개발센터 80
1. 재정현황 82
2. 인력현황 85
제3절 지역교육 사례: 한국지역사회교육협의회 86
1. 설립목적 및 현황 86
2. 교육내용과 강좌구성 91
3. 재정현황 93
제4절 농업교육 사례: 한국유기농업협회 95
제5절 요약 및 시사점 97
제5장 NGO의 교육훈련사업 강화를 위한 과제
제1절 NGO 내부의 과제 100
1. 교육훈련전문가 및 학습자 확보 101
2. 유관기관간의 연계 강화 102
제2절 NGO 외부의 지원 102
<부록 1> NGO 교육훈련사업 실태조사 설문지 113
<부록 2> NGO 전문가 양성 교육프로그램 124
<부록 3> 비영리민간단체지원법 126
참고문헌 137
이의규. (2004-09-30). NGO의 교육훈련사업 실태와 과제.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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