2011 특성화고 및 마이스터고의 계열별 전문교과 교육과정 개정 방향 연구: 농생명산업, 수산·해운, 가사·실업계열을 중심으로

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A Study on Curriculum Revision in Vocational and Meister High Schools by Department: Agricultural Life Industry, Fishery·Shipping, House
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전문교과 교육과정마이스터고
○ 고등학교 계열별 교육과정 개정의 배경 분석
- 계열별 교육과정의 고찰
- 관련 직업교육 정책 동향
- 경제ㆍ사회 변화와 계열별 교육과정의 변화 동향
- 계열별 교육과정의 국제 동향
○ 고등학교 계열별 교육과정의 개정 방향
- 계열별 교육과정 개정의 기본 방향과 범위
ㆍ 2009 개정 교육과정 총론과의 연계
ㆍ 직업교육 체제 개선을 위한 국가 수준 전문교과 교육과정에서의 방향
ㆍ 국가직무능력표준(NCS: National Competency Standard)과 핵심역량
신장을 위한 방향
ㆍ 산업수요 맞춤형 실무중심 교육과정으로의 개선 방향
ㆍ 2011년 계열별 각론 개정의 범위 설정
- 계열별 교육의 성격 및 목표 설정
- 계열별 기준학과 설정
- 계열별 전문교과의 편제
○ 고등학교 계열별 교과목 교육과정 개정 시안
- 전문교과의 필수과목 및 선택과목 교육과정
- 현행 교육과정과 개정 시안과의 비교
In this research, draft proposal of specialized subjects by area curriculum which appropriate with the direction for curriculum revision of specialized and meister high school, was to be developed for the realization of strengthening educational capability plan which required for vocational education advancement promotion.
To achieve the purpose of this research, first, policy trends of high school vocational education, condition of managing curriculum by area, and international trends of vocational high school curriculum were analyzed for the background analysis of curriculum revision by area. Based on this, the revision direction of curriculum by area was set, and the draft proposal of revised curriculum by area was developed.
For major research methods, review of literature, operation of consultant(development) members by subject area, hosting expert conference, operation of public hearing and regular workshop of research team were applied. Details of proposed research for the revision direction of specialized subjects by area curriculum, are as in the following.
First, objectives of the revision direction are the curriculum which strengthening connection with the general guidelines of the 「2009 revised curriculum」, pointing on basic job skills, following international change on industry and career, connecting education and qualification, suitable with changing educational environment, and combination of subject areas by connection.
Second, the development has been made considering creative and enhanced textbook, and documents pointing on consumer, revision ‘listing educational elements’ to ‘achieving goal’, concrete statement on achieving goal, for the document development of the specialized subjects curriculum.
Third, details of the revised curriculum are as in the following. First of all, 10 departments were set and proposed for Agriculture and Biotechnology subject area, on the level of changing the name of Biotechnology to Biotechnology Techniques and Forest Resources was separated and newly-founded from Plant Resources because standard courses of Agriculture and Biotechnology subject area were already adjusted. In the special subject organization, party combined as 42 courses and some courses which were needed restructuring or name changing, adjusted. For course required subject, regular 3 courses were set as 2 courses, ‘Understanding of Agriculture’, ‘Basic Techniques in Agriculture’. ‘Agricultural Information Management’ were adjusted as optional course form course required subject. Additionally, ‘Successful Career Making’ course was proposed to be founded and operated. Next, 12 of the current Fishery and Maritime Transportation standard departments were maintained because a lot of change had been made on the 2007 revised educational curriculum. But the department of Marine Leisure was changed into the department of Marine Leisure Industry for clarifying its identity. For special subject organization, a lot of changing are proposed for required courses following the 2009 revised educational curriculum. ‘General Maritime Affairs’, ‘Fishery and Maritime Transportation Information Processing’, ‘Electronic Telecommunication Engineering’ were changed as ‘Understanding of Marine’, ‘Basic of Fishery and Maritime Transportation Industry’, ‘Basic of Electronic Telecommunication’ respectively, and ‘Marine Environment’ and ‘Marine Pollution’ were combined as ‘Marine Pollution and Prevention’. Also, ‘Refrigeration Mechines’ and ‘Logistics in Ports and Harbors’ were changed as ‘Refrigeration Air Conditioning Equipments’ and ‘General Marine Logistics’ respectively, and ‘General Marine Plant’ was newly- founded. Finally, standard department of Vocational Home Economics Education was keeping current 8 forms as following current condition of operating courses and analysis of characteristic. For special subject organization, current courses were kept and formed as total 37 courses, 1 for naming change of newly-found course, 6 for course naming change. For details, ‘Computers’ was excluded and ‘Understanding Service Industry of Living’ was newly-found. As followed by naming change of Child-care department, adjustment was made following current 4 courses, and ‘Nursing Clinical Training’, ‘Basic Welfare Service’ were changed as ‘Basic Nursing Clinical Training’ and ‘Basic of Welfare Service’ respectively.
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적과 필요성 3
제2절 연구 내용 6
제3절 연구 방법 7
제4절 연구의 제한점 9
제2장 고등학교 계열별 교육과정 개정의 배경 분석 11
제1절 고등학교 직업교육 정책 동향 13
제2절 계열별 교육과정 운영 실태 27
제3절 직업교육과정의 국제 동향 105
제3장 전문교과 교육과정 개정의 방향과 주요 내용 177
제1절 전문교과 교육과정 개정의 기본 방향과 범위 179
제2절 전문교과 교육과정 문서 체제의 변화 192
제3절 전문교과 교육과정 개정의 내용 197
참고문헌 231
장명희. (2011-09-30). 2011 특성화고 및 마이스터고의 계열별 전문교과 교육과정 개정 방향 연구: 농생명산업, 수산·해운, 가사·실업계열을 중심으로.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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