연구기획평가사 자격종목 개발연구

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The Qualification Item Development of Research & Planning Evaluator
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The objective of the study is to develope qualification framework comprising of qualification grade, eligibility, testing criteria etc. and implementation system of testing including testing subjects, testing criteria, and testing methods etc. for preparing to conduct the testing of "Research & Planning Evaluator" effectively, which is based on 「the special act for supporting departments of science and engineering in order to reinforce national science and engineering competitiveness」.
This special act has been stipulated for improving national competitiveness, and supporting and raising highly-performed science and engineering manpower through introducing qualification item, that is, "Research & Planning Evaluator".
The study utilized diverse methods; firstly, literature reviews to investigate and analyze current trends of R&D service industry, education and training courses, qualification items, and employment situations. secondly, questionnaire survey of in-house R&D centers to anticipate demands of "Research & Planning Evaluator" in 5 years, thirdly, in-depth interviews with experts to define the job scope of "Research & Planning Evaluator", fourthly, job analysis to develope qualification framework and criteria of curriculum-making.
The study proposed the definition of job scope, job model, qualification grade, testing criteria, eligibility, exemption for testing, testing method, criteria for passing, testing subject, and curriculum. Finally policy recommendations were suggested to government, being necessary for carrying out testing.
Table Of Contents
요 약 문 ⅰ
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구 방법 2
Ⅱ. 연구기획평가사의 인력 수요 예측 5
1. 연구개발서비스업 관련 국내외 동향 5
2. 연구기획평가사 인력 수요 8
Ⅲ. 연구기획평가사 관련 교육?자격 29
1. 교육 현황 29
2. 관련 자격 현황 50
3. 관련 채용 현황 60
4. 시사점 64
Ⅳ. 연구기획평가사 자격구조와 내용 67
1. 직무분야 및 검정기준 67
2. 교육과정 구성 77
Ⅴ. 정책 제언 83
1. 정책추진의 기본방향 83
2. 제 언 85
부 록 93
참고문헌 153
한국직업능력개발원, 과학기술부
조정윤. (2005-05-30). 연구기획평가사 자격종목 개발연구.
Research Report
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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