Ⅰ. HRD and the Labor Market 1. National Human Resources Development to Build a Knowledge-based Society (Ⅱ): Measures to Help Disadvantaged Groups 3 2. A Comparative Study on the Financing of Vocational Education & Training in the United Kingdom, Germany and Finland 6 3. The Administrative and Fiscal Infrastructure of Regional Human Resources Development 11 4. Projections and Policy Issues for National Human Resources (Ⅲ) - Service Industries 14 5. Comprehensive Measures of Military Human Resources Development for Effective Transition of School-Troops-Work 17 6. Human Resources Policies for Korea’s Aging Society (Ⅱ) 18 7. Korean Education & Employment Panel 21 8. Developing the Indexes and Indicators in Human Resources Development 25 Ⅱ. Lifelong Vocational Education 1. Plans to Improve the Effectiveness of the Government-funded Projects for Colleges 29 2. Financial Aid to Vocational High Schools: What it has Achieved and How it may be Improved 33 3. A Socio-cultural Approach to the Phenomenon of Evading Vocational Education 39 4. Policy Measures to Strengthen the Competitiveness of Local Junior Colleges and Universities 42 5. General Perception of Hakbul Ideology and Policies to Overcome the Problems 46 6. Vocational Education System Reformation at the Transition Period 51 7. A Strategy to Improve the Basic Learning Competencies of Junior College Students 54 8. Career Guidance for Middle & High School Special Education Students: Current Status and Challenges 57 9. Developing a Career Development Program for College Stu때1tS in the Field of Science and Technology 61 10. A Study on Managing Academic Departments and their Quota System in Two-year Colleges to Connect to the Regional Industrial Structures and Manpower Deman 63 11. Measures to Implement In-Service Training Programs for Vocational Teachers with the Restructuring of Vocational High Schools 65 12. Policy Study on Career Guidance of Two-year Professional Colleges in Korea 69 13. Policy Implications for Improving Junior College Programs in Collaboration with Foreign Colleges 71 14. The Change of Employment Paradigm and Career Development Support System for Adults in Korea 73 Ⅲ. Vocational Skills Development 1. Development of Vocational Abilities of North Korean Workers: the Future Direction of Cooperation with North Korea and Related Tasks 77 2. A Study on the System of Developing Vocational Competency for Older Workers 81 3. Role of Employer Associations in Skills Formation 84 4. Worker’s Skills Formation and Workplace Reform by Technology Innovation 89 5. Reestablishment of the Vocational Training System in the Transition Period 92 6. Cultivating Communities of Practice for Developing Employee’s Expertise in Organizations 97 7. A Policy Study on How to Revise the Private Learning Institutes Law 102 8. Study of Occupational Changes (Ⅲ) 105 Ⅳ. Education and Training Program Development 1. Establishment of a Teaching-learning Method Integrated Information System for Vocational Education & Training Programs 113 2. Development of Education and Training Programs to Improve the Employability of Aged Workers 118 V. Qualifications and Assessment 1. Current State and Issues of Professional Qualifications 125 2. Education Measures for Vocational High Schools following Changes in the College Admission Test Policy 127 3. A Study on Criteria for the Credit Approval of Nationally Authorized Civil Qualifications 131 4. Strategies for Improving Qualification Systems to Realize a Competency-oriented Society 133 5. Basic Study on Establishment of the Qualifications Information System 138
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)