본 연구사업은 한국의 기업이 지닌 인적자원을 파악하고, 기업들이 인적자원개발에 기울이는 노력, 그리고 이같은 기업의 인적자원 및 인적자원개발이 기업의 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 시계열 자료를 구축을 목표로 시작됨. '인적자본 기업패널조사(2005)'는 '인적자본 기업패널조사(2004)'에 이은 계속과제로서 2004년도에 설계를 마친 설문지와 표본설계 및 조사방법을 기초로 파일럿 조사 및 본조사를 거쳐 기업 패널 DB 1차 wave를 구축하는 것을 연구사업 목표로 함. The quantity and quality of human capital possessed by a corporate is a key indicator for its competitiveness. Human resources of firms are playing a ever more important role as firms face with such changes as rapid technological progress and changes in consumer demand. The Human Capital Corporate Panel Survey(HCCP) has been launched with an objective to build up panel data which enables to measure the level of human resources of firms and the efforts of firms both at the firm level and the worker level as well as to measure the relationship between these two and the performance of firms. This panel survey is expected to fill the gap given the serious shortage when it comes to the data to measure human capital of firms and their employees and their relationship to the performance of firms. In 2004, the survey design has been prepared including the questionnaires on firms, establishments, and their employees and the sampling design. Starting in June 2005, based the survey design developed in 2004, data collection has been made on the general characteristics of firms, their HRM and HRD practices, their employee profiles, and IR practices. For firms selected, similar data have been collected for establishments. For the employee survey, teams within the firm which represent the overall function of the firm including the management & administration and production of goods and service have been selected. Within each team selected, the head of the team and several teammates have been selected to be surveyed. In total, 450 firms have been surveyed along with approximately 13,000 workers who are team leaders and teammates within the firm. The data collection process went through November 2005. To make the data collection of firms successful which are known to be difficult, special efforts have been made. The survey has been conducted as a joint effort between KRIVET and the Ministry of Labour(MOE) which is expected to increase the response rate of firms. In addition, such organizations by firm owners as Korea Chamber of Commerce(KCC) and Managers Organization supported the survey either by encouraging firms to participate in the survey or by providing useful data. So far, data collection has been made successfully on 450 firms and 13,000 workers. Data collected still needs to go through validation process in which firms and employees who answered the questionnaires will be contacted to verify the answers that are proven incomplete or incorrect. The 1st wave of HCCP still has the following process left to go though before fully completed...
Table Of Contents
요 약 제1장 2005 사업개요 제1절 「인적자본 기업패널조사」의 의의 1 1. 조사의 의의 1 2. 「인적자본 기업패널조사」의 개요 2 3. 조사결과의 정책적 활용 2 제2절 2차년도(2005) 사업의 주요 내용 3 1. 파일럿 조사 실시 3 2. 정부 공식통계 승인 취득 3 3. 노동부와 공동조사 실시 추진 4 4. 설문지 및 표본설계 보완 4 5. 본조사 업체 선정 및 계약체결 5 6. 실사에 대비한 기타 준비 5 7. 본조사 실시 6 제2장 2차년도 사업의 주요 내용 제1절 「인적자본 기업패널조사」(2005) 조사 설계 9 1. 설문지 설계 9 2. 표본 설계 17 3. 조사표 27 제2절 본조사 준비 30 1. 조사업체 선정 30 2. 통계청 승인 획득 및 과제명칭 변경 37 3. 본조사 성공을 위한 네트워크 구축 41 제3절 실사(본조사) 47 1. 조사의 진행과정 47 2. 조사를 위한 준비 49 3. 실사 추진 현황 55 4. 실사의 질을 높이기 위한 대처 방안 59 5. 향후 대책 62 제4절 인적자본 지표(Human Capital Index) 개발 63 1. HCI의 중요성 63 2. HCI에 관한 기존 연구 64 3. HCI의 개발 모형 66 4. 인적자본지표(Human Capital Index: HCI) 목록 68 제3장 향후 추진 과제 SUMMARY 73 <부록 1> 조사표(제조업용) 79 <부록 2> 「인적자본 기업패널조사」 설문지(제조업용) 87 <부록 3> 노동부 지방관서 워크숍 자료 143 <부록 4> 인적자본지표(Human Capital Index: HCI) 목록 165 참고문헌 191