Qualification Strategies and New Media for Quality Assurance in Manufacturing: the example of the automotive industry in Korea and Germany

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Young-Hyun LeeLee Dong-ImMichaelHaertelGertZinke
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This study compares the training strategies utilized by automotive industry in two countries, Korea and Germany. Despite different policy frameworks and institutional arrangements in the two countries, automotive companies in both countries have tried to maintain the high quality of the companies’ products and services in the face of the growing challenges. Their strategies to guarantee high-quality products vary depending on their corporate training strategies. In this way, the study did examine comparatively and on the basis of concrete examples the different existing approaches to facing and solving the problems connected with educational concepts and the use of new (digital) media, against the backdrop of the respective national and company-specific learning cultures. This study has been a joint effort of researchers from two leading national research organizations in the field of vocational education and training in Korea and Germany.
Table Of Contents
Foreword i
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Executive Summary ix
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
1. Background 1
2. Research objectives 2
3. Analytical framework 2
4. Data and methodology 2
1) Korea 2
2) Germany 4
1. Education and training system 7
1) Administration of education and training 7
2) School education 8
3) Vocational education system 12
4) Vocational training system 18
5) National qualification system 25
2. Quality assurance in manufacturing and changing job requirements 27
1) Understanding of quality 27
2) Instruments for quality assurance 27
3) Organizational concepts and qualification requirements 41
3. Target group specific initial education and in-company continuing education and training 47
1) Initial education and training at schools and training institutes 47
2) In-company continuing education and training 58
4. Use of new media in education and training 74
1) National strategies to advance ICT in Korea 74
2) Growth of e-learning infrastructure in Korea 76
3) E-learning at Hyundai 79
Ⅲ. Germany 93
1. Education System 93
1) Common Education System 93
2) Vocational Training in the German Dual System 99
3) Ongoing Reforms and Topics of Debate in Education 102
4) Reform of Vocational Training 104
2. Quality assurance in manufacturing and changing job requirements 109
1) Understanding of quality 109
2) Instruments for quality assurance 109
3) Organisational concepts and qualification requirements 110
3. Target group specific training programs in initial and continuing education and training 112
4. New Media in German VET 118
5. Case studies 122
Case 1: Ford Aus- und Weiterbildung e.V. 122
1) Vocational Training at Ford - Framework Data 122
2) Training spectrum 123
3) The production island concept at Ford 124
4) Production island for spare parts production 131
5) Introduction of the Ford Production System (FPS) into training 131
6) Quality assurance and transparency in training 133
Case 2: DaimlerChrysler AG, Mannheim Plant 139
1) Background - Brief overview of DaimlerChrysler AG's Mannheim Plant 140
2) Changing demands at work call for different qualifications 141
3) Initial and continuing education and training as part of the corporate philosophy 143
4) Outlook 154
Case 3: DaimlerChrysler's Gaggenau 155
1) Factory 155
2) Factory and process development 157
3) Effects of process orientation on the employees 160
4) Vocational Education and Training in Gaggenau 161
5) Outlook 172
Case 4: Audi AG 173
1) Specifications for training processes are derived from workplace challenges 173
2) Entrepreneurial thinking and behaviour 174
3) Systematic integration of e-learning into corporate training
processes at Audi 178
IV. Summary and Conclusion 187
1. Comparison in the context of vocational training strategies in automobile industry 187
1) Korea 188
2) Germany 190
2. Lessons from the Korean-German experience 194
1) Lessons from the Korean experience 194
2) Lessons from the German experience 197
References 199
1) Korea 199
2) Germany 200
Glossary 201
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training), BIBB
Young-Hyun Lee. (2005-11-30). Qualification Strategies and New Media for Quality Assurance in Manufacturing: the example of the automotive industry in Korea and Germany.
Research Report
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