본 연구에서는 기업내 평생학습, 특히 첫째, 근로자의 평생학습 참여 실태를 조사하고, 둘째, 평생학습을 포함한 기업의 거시적 환경으로서의 인적자원실행(인적자원관리와 개발)의 패러다임 변화를 과거부터 현재를 분석하며 미래까지 조명하고, 셋째, 우수한 평생학습기업 또는 인적자원개발 우수기업의 사례를 조사하여 평생학습의 다양한 모델 제시와 방향성을 모색하고자 한다. This paper was aimed at developing a new paradigm and models of lifelong learning companies, and policy tasks associated with the construction of lifelong learning companies. For this purpose, this paper attempted to identify the participation rate, the supporting factors, obstacles, and outcomes as well as a new paradigm of lifelong learning in organizations with a survey and case studies. To attain these objectives, a survey of 3,367 employees was carried out. The survey contained questions regarding the general impression of lifelong learning, the present state of, and future prospects for participation in formal and informal lifelong learning activities and their lifelong learning outcomes. The following is a summary of the results of the survey: The current participation rate of lifelong learning and future intention to participate were relatively low. Although employees were participate in diverse formal and informal lifelong learning activities, a lack of transfer and applicability of learning to the workplace resulted in low outcomes of learning. The main barrier of participation in learning activities was turned out lack of time rather than learning costs. To address these problems, university and companies should role as lifelong learning hubs in communities. With regards to the case studies, relevant materials were collected and analyzed from the cases of ASTD HRD Excellence Awards, the cases of Investment in People in UK, the cases of People Developer in Singapore, and the cases of lifelong learning companies in Korea. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: The excellent companies in learning carry out lifelong learning strategies on the basis of the following new paradigms: The workplace is not a market for exchanging manpower but a learning place for self-actualization; the purpose of lifelong learning is not limited to performance improvement but also the creation of self-actualization and meaningful work and life of its employees; each employee is regarded not as a means and a resource for profit, but as an invaluable business partner and a lifelong learner. Meanwhile, in terms of human aspects, the role of the leader is critical to a learning organization. Executive leaders as sponsors create a vision that embraces learning principles, create a learning culture, and provide support to local line leaders. Subject matter experts participate as learning champions who provide the impetus for learning by creating, sharing, utilizing, and standardizing knowledge. managers as learning facilitators get actively involved in developing learning linkages throughout their unit to provide access to new knowledge and information. Lifelong learning activities should focus on fostering the knowledge workers who continuously think about their work, and improve and innovate it to maximize value and performance. For this, individualized career development supporting systems(i.e. individual competency assessment, learning guidelines, mentoring, and tuition-refund) are strengthened and can be openly accessed by anyone who wants to learn and each employee's learning rights are guaranteed. Meanwhile, the term 'learning' is not limited to the acquisition of knowledge and skill but includes the whole cycle of learning, its application to the improvement and innovation of work and life, and reflection for continuous improvement and innovation. Learning is integrated with work and aligned to work improvement and organizational innovation. The requirements for lifelong learning organizations are the creation of sustainable learning opportunities and learning cultures, and learning support systems. In addition, the government should build policies to guarantee the lifelong learning right, the best HRD company awards, and learning partnerships between learning stakeholders in communities. In summary, lifelong learning organizations have become, and will remain key success factors for individuals, organizations, and nations. Lifelong learning firms are becoming important partners in the learning society, as they provide ever more opportunities for continuous learning to their employees and their regions.
Table Of Contents
요 약 제1장 서 론 제1절 연구의 필요성과 목적 1 제2절 연구의 내용과 방법 3 1. 연구의 내용 3 2. 연구의 방법 4 제3절 용어의 정의 6 제2장 기업내 평생학습의 실태 제1절 설문참여 응답자의 일반사항 7 제2절 근로자의 형식적(formal) 평생학습의 참여 실태 9 1. 형식적 교육에의 참여 경험 9 2. 형식적 교육에의 미참여 사유 13 제3절 근로자의 비형식(non-formal) 평생학습의 참여 실태 14 1. 학습모임에의 참여 경험 14 2. 일상생활에서 정보ㆍ지식ㆍ기술의 학습 15 제4절 근로자의 평생학습 성과 16 제5절 평생학습 참여의향 17 제6절 시사점 22 제3장 인적자원 실행(Practices)의 패러다임 변화 제1절 인적자원실행의 패러다임 변화 23 1. 거시적 차원의 인적자원 패러다임 변화 24 2. 세부요소별 인적자원관리/개발의 패러다임 변화 30 제2절 평생학습기업의 사례연구(뉴패러다임 참여 기업 중심) 49 1. 평생학습기업 시범사업 추진현황 50 2. 뉴패러다임 시범사업 성과 51 3. 평생학습기업의 사례 53 4. 평생학습기업의 시사점 90 제3절 인적자원개발 우수기업 사례 91 1. 싱가포르 People Developer 우수 기업 91 2. 영국의 Investor in People 우수기업 99 3. 2004년도 ASTD 수상기업 107 4. 기타 국내외의 인적자원개발 우수기업 115 제4절 평생학습에의 시사점 122 제4장 평생학습의 새로운 패러다임: 평생학습기업 제1절 평생학습기업의 구축과 확산 방향 127 1. 평생학습기업의 모형과 구축 요소 127 제2절 평생학습기업 구축을 위한 세부 정책 방향 133 1. 개인 차원의 지원 정책 133 2. 조직차원의 지원 134 3. 사회/국가차원의 지원 정책 136 제5장 요약 및 결론 제1절 요약 139 제2절 결론: 기업의 평생학습화를 위한 제언 141 SUMMARY 143 참고문헌 147