Participation of Women and Ethnic Communities in the Science and Technology Workforce

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This study aims at designing a general framework for doing research on and developing women and ethnic minorities in science, engineering, and technology workforce(WMSETW) in Asia and the Pacific.
It has three foci it attempts to place itself on and will explore with follow-up projects: firstly, it examines the current status of participation by WMSETW in Asia and the Pacific; secondly, it seeks solutions for increasing the participation of WMSETW; finally, it suggests the ways to enhance APEC-wide human capacity building on education and training of highly employable WMSETW in Asia and the Pacific through workshop.
Table Of Contents
Summary ⅷ
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
Study goals 1
Background 4
Definition of WMSETW 5
Rationale for selection of USA, Japan, S. Korea, Singapore, and the Philippines as preliminary studies 8
Research questions 8
Scope of R & D 10
Overall Framework for R&D of APEC-wide WMSETW 10
Methodology 16
Ⅱ. Pilot studies of APEC member economies 19
Six case studies 19
Republic of Korea 19
Japan 32
United States of America 49
Singapore 69
The Philippines 87
Implication 101
Ⅲ. Designing the General Framework for R&D of WMSETW 113
Theoretical Significance of the General Framework 113
Construction Criteria for the Framework 116
Outline of the research outcomes 118
Ⅳ. Conclusion 127
Appendix 129
References 145
Abbreviation 153
이정택. (2006-04-30). Participation of Women and Ethnic Communities in the Science and Technology Workforce.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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