기업 인적자원개발지표와 신용평가지표 연계 사업
- Alternative Title
- The Relationship between the Index of Enterprise Human Resource Development and Enterprise Credit Level
- Author(s)
- 송창용; 이성; 김영생; 김안국; 박주완; 황승록; 이재혁
- Publication Year
- 2006-11-30
- Created
- 2006-11-30
- Keyword
- 기업 인적자원개발; 신용평가지표
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/1751
- Abstract
- 본 사업은 기업의 성과는 기업의 신용도와 직결된다는 점에 착안하여, 기업의 HR 활동과 신용평가 결과와의 상관관계를 분석하여 기업의 HR 활동이 기업의 성과에 영향력을 미치고 있음을 보이고자 한다.
따라서 본 사업은 기업의 HR 활동 수준을 진단하고, 기업의 HR 활동과 기업 성과와의 상관성을 분석하여 기업의 HR 활동을 촉진시키는 기제를 만드는 데 그 목적이 있다.
Securing the excellent human resources is an imperative task for enterprises in order to survive in the current environment which has become globalized rapidly and which has led an intense competition. Employing and educating human resources doesn't mean simply utilizing human resources, because it is closely connected with the business strategies securing high performance individuals and it gives the effects to the enterprise's competitive power. Major global enterprises are making a positive investment in educating and managing human resources for these reasons. But human resources-related activity of enterprises in Korea leaves much to be desired. When it comes to the present status of human resource development in Korea, the level of investment is very low. The investment ratio of education and training to the labor cost dropped from 2.09% in 1996 to 1.47% in 2003. That is, the concern in activity of human resources development has rather been decreasing. Speaking of small and medium sized enterprises, this phenomenon is even clearer. In case of small and medium sized enterprises having from 100 to less than 200 employees, Korea's investment ratio of education and training to the labor cost is only 0.6% in comparison with 15 EU nations which investment ratio is 2.5%.
With these backgrounds above, the purpose of this study was to show that enterprise's HR activity gives effects to its performance which can be represented by enterprise credit level. Therefore, the objective of this study were to diagnose the level of HR activity of enterprises, to analyze the correlation between HR activity and enterprise credit level, and to make a kind of mechanism to promote the HR activity of enterprises.
To measure the level of HR activity, the HR activity model was introduced, and analyzed through analysis of research material and statistical methodology. The first-year research material of Human Capital Enterprise Panel made by KRIVET(2005), Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training, was used to investigate the enterprise's HR activity, and 2004 Credit Rating Score from KIS-Credit Scoring Model, made by Korea Investors Service Inc., was used to measure the enterprise credit level in this study.
To analyze the correlation between HR activity and enterprise credit level, items related with HR activity among the questionnaires of Human Capital Enterprise Panel were chosen, and then the analysis of research material and correlation analysis were conducted. Items in each area were combined and standardized into 100-point maximum score scale. After understanding which item has a significant correlation through correlation analysis between the enterprise credit level and score of each area, correlation coefficient considering the size of enterprise was calculated. And then significance test for variables was conducted in regression analysis to extract items in each area which explain the enterprise credit level well. Decision analysis, decision tree Model for datamining, was also conducted to find out the rule classifying the enterprise credit level by each area.
- Table Of Contents
- 요 약
제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 내용과 범위 5
1. HR 활동에 대한 이론적 접근과 선행연구 분석 6
2. 기업에 대한 신용평가 6
3. HR 활동의 수준과 기업의 신용도에 대한 상관분석 7
제2장 기업의 HR 활동 현황과 선행연구
제1절 기업의 HR 활동 9
1. HR 활동의 효과성 분석 9
2. 중소기업의 인적자원개발 12
제2절 선행연구 18
1. HR compass 모형 18
2. HR Index 모형 연구 21
3. 고성과 조직 22
4. DLOQ 25
5. McKinsey's 7S Model 27
제3장 연구방법
제1절 변수 설정 31
1. HR 활동모형 31
2. 한국직업능력개발원의 인적자본 기업패널 조사 32
3. HR 활동모형과 인적자본 기업패널의 설문항목 연계 35
제2절 기업 신용 평가 40
제3절 분석 방법과 절차 43
1. 통계 분석 절차 43
2. 분석 도구 45
제4절 의사 결정 나무 방법론 소개 45
1. 데이터마이닝 방법론 45
2. 의사결정나무모형 49
제4장 상관성 분석
제1절 상관분석 55
1. 기초 통계량 56
2. 상관관계 분석 결과 65
제2절 회귀분석 결과 66
제3절 의사결정나무 분석 결과 71
1. 신용평가점수 55점 기준에 대한 의사결정나무 분석 결과 71
2. 신용평가점수 70점 기준에 대한 의사결정나무 분석 결과 74
제4절 의사결정나무 모형을 이용한 HR 스코어 모형 구축 78
제5장 결론
제1절 요약 85
제2절 연구의 의의와 시사점 86
제3절 연구의 한계와 향후과제 87
<부록> 93
참고문헌 103
- Publisher
- 한국직업능력개발원
- Citation
- 송창용. (2006-11-30). 기업 인적자원개발지표와 신용평가지표 연계 사업.
- Type
- Research Report
Appears in Collections:
- 연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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