인적자본 기업패널조사(2006)

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Human Capital Corporate Panel Survey
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『인적자본 기업패널조사(2006)』은 『인적자본 기업패널조사(2005)』에 이은 계속 연구사업이며, 2005년도에 조사된 1차 웨이브 자료를 클리닝 및 학술대회를 통하여 신뢰도 있는 DB로 구축하고, 2차 웨이브를 위한 표본 설계 및 조사지 개발을 목표로 함.
In the global economy, the quantity and quality of human resources possessed by a corporate is a key indicator for its competitiveness. Human resources of firms are playing a ever more important role as firms face with such changes as rapid technological progress and changes in consumer demand.
The Human Capital Corporate Panel Survey(HCCP) has been launched with an object to build up panel data which enables to measure the level of human resources of firms both at the firm level and the worker level as well as to measure the relationship between the level of human resources and the performance of firms.
The HCCP first wave data contain the informations of the 454 firms and 92 establishments and thirteen thousands workers. We clean the data by various error checking methods for several months. And we added financial informations which we got from the company Korea Information Service into the data.
In order to activate using the HCCP data, we convened the first HCCP academic conference. Many researchers attended the conference and had presentations using the data. We try to let the HCCP data be known to domestic and foreign researchers. We repaired the HCCP homepage and made it readable in English. We ended data cleaning, and arranged the survey sheet and layout. Now the HCCP data would be bought in the HCCP homepage.
We gave the services to the firms from which the HCCP data were made, especially HR(human resources) seminar and HR letter on the human resources methods. We have been developing HRI(human resources index). As the HRI will be fully developed, we will calculate each firms HRI score and deliver it with the averages in industry and firm size to guess how high the level of each firm's HR.
We let the researchers and officers look into the first wave survey, and gathered opinions about the survey. On their opinions, we are now fixing the sampling principals and survey questions for second wave. For the second wave survey, we set the network with the Ministry of Labor and the survey company KDN(Korea data network).
Table Of Contents
요 약
제1장 2006년도 연구사업 개요
제1절 「인적자본 기업패널조사」의 의의 1
제2절 2006년도 연구사업 개괄 2
제2장 2006년도 연구사업 주요 내용
제1절 2005년도 조사 결과 요약 5
제2절 데이터 Cleaning 및 DB 구축 6
제3절 학술대회 및 자료 활용 12
제4절 패널 관리 16
제5절 기업 인적자원지수(HRI) 개발 23
제6절 홈페이지 개편 36
제7절 기초분석 보고서 발간 및 자료 공개 39
제8절 2차 조사(Second Wave) 설계 48
제3장 향후 계획
제1절 사업예산 확보 53
제2절 제2차 조사 준비 55
<부록 1> 학술대회 발표 요약 61
<부록 2> 학술대회 관련 보도자료 및 기사 78
<부록 3> HCCP 데이터 검토 의견 정리 83
<부록 4> HR 레터 기획 및 예시 91
<부록 5> 기업 인적자원지수(HRI) 개발 99
참고문헌 141
김안국. (2006-12-31). 인적자본 기업패널조사(2006).
Research Report
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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