인적자원개발 및 직업교육훈련분야 전문가 연수

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UNESCO Regional Center Project(2006): 2006 KRIVET TVET and HRD Training Program for Experts
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Since 2002, the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training has been conducting the annual HRD and TVET Training Program for Experts as part of its UNESCO Regional Center of Excellence in TVET project. For this year's program, held between May 22~26, we received 23 applications from 16 countries. Twelve applicants from twelve countries were selected as final participants to take part in the program.
The training program was composed of seven lectures, three site visits, country reports and project proposals by participants, and cultural activities. Six KRIVET researchers and a University of Illinois served as lecturers for the program.
At the end of the program, the participants presented project proposals reflecting on what they learned from the program. It is now KRIVET's task to assist participant countries realize their action plans through the provision of consulting services.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 Background
Section 1: Program Background 1
Section 2: Program Objectives 2
Chapter 2 Program Outline
Section 1: Program Title 3
Section 2: Methodology of Needs Assessment Survey 3
Section 3: Program Preparation 4
Chapter 3 Program Contents
Section 1: Composition of Program 5
Section 2: Lectures 8
Section 3: Site Visits 10
Section 4: Project Proposals 12
Chapter 4 Program Results
Section 1: Program Evaluation by Participants 37
Section 2: Improvement Plans 40
List of Participants 45
List of Lecturers 46
Program Survey 47
Certificate of Completion 52
강종훈. (2006-12-31). 인적자원개발 및 직업교육훈련분야 전문가 연수. UNESCO Regional Center 사업(2006).
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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