기술의 빠른 발전과 경제개방의 확대는 노동의 수요측면에서 필요로 하는 기술(기능)이나 숙련이 바뀌는 등으로 여러 가지 변화를 수반한다. 이에 따라 산업수요의 변동을 감한하여 직업별 고용구조의 변화를 전망하고, 이에 적합한 인력의 양성과 공급의 흐름을 탐색하는 인력수급전망이 갖는 의미가 크다. 본 연구는 한국고용정보원과 공동으로 총량 인력수급에 대한 전망을 살펴보았다. 이를 바탕으로 학교 졸업자를 중심으로 하는 신규인력에 대한 수요와 공급을 분석하였다. 특히 전문대학 이상의 전공별로 산업수요에 부응하는 정도를 보여주는 전공별 수급차를 도출하였다. 본 연구에서 결과가 학생들의 진로선택을 돕고 정부의 인력수급 관련 정책수립이나 대학의 자율적인 정원조정 등에 널리 활용되기를 기대한다. ○ 주요내용 - 총량 인력공급전망 - 총량 인력수요전망 - 신규인력 수급전망 - 신규인력 수급차 - 인력수급전망의 정책 시사점 The main focus of economic activities has gone from being physical resources such as equipment and raw materials to human resources that possess the necessary technologies and knowledge. Core human resources which boast creative ideas and highly-advanced technological competencies have become an essential factor in securing competitiveness at the enterprise and even national levels. In addition, the securing of basic labor and human resources that boast basic operating skills has become a very important elements in maintaining economic development and in the carrying out of regular economic activities. The variable known as salary has traditionally been the main factor at play in terms of ensuring the flexible resolution of the gap between the supply and demand for manpower in individual industrial fields in Korea. However, the recent decrease in the flexibility of the labor market occasioned by the salary variable has resulted in increased difficulties maintaining a balance between the demand and supply for manpower. In this regard the importance of providing job seekers with exact information about general job tasks, or of detailed job descriptions at the individual enterprise level, has increased. To this end, the need to introduce an incentive system through which the required manpower could be educated has increased. In addition, as the forecasting of manpower requirements represents the basic materials with which manpower policies are established, and can serve as a roadmap in establishing the direction for manpower-related policies, studies on the forecasting of manpower requirements can be regarded as representing a very important element when it comes to the government’s establishment of policies. Given this reality, this study set out to forecast total manpower requirements in a highly reliable and useful fashion. In order to bridge the gap between the supply and demand for manpower, the results of the forecast conducted herein, which reflect industrial demand, were used to estimate manpower demand by academic background and major, and manpower supply by academic major. ...