Globalization and Skills : Challenges towards National Human Resource Policies
- Table Of Contents
- Chapter1 Introduction_01
Chapter2 Manpower Movements for Jobs Across Borders and National Government Responses: Global Trends_17
Chapter3 Trade, Employment and Migration: NAFTA Experience and Implications_53
Chapter4 Integration in Europe: Lessons from Labor Migration Policiesand Challenges for Labor Market Adjustment_101
Chapter5 Qualifications Frameworks in Europe: Supporting Transparency, Mobility and Lifelong Learning_139
Chapter6 Globalization of Higher Education: Experiences of Dubai_163
Chapter7 Skills and Synergies as Drivers of Success in Milan’s FashionIndustry_205
- Publisher
- KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
- Citation
- Young-bumPark. (2014-08-29). Globalization and Skills : Challenges towards National Human Resource Policies.
- Type
- Book
Appears in Collections:
- 연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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