2006 KRIVET Research Abstracts

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2006 KRIVET Research Abstracts
Publication Year
Table Of Contents
1.College to Work Transition and Human Resources Development of Youth(Ⅱ) 1
2.Building the Support System for Sectoral Human Resource Development(II): Exploring the sectoral HRD policies for the Financial and Design Industry 5
3.Policy Measures for Higher Education Development from the Human Resources Development Perspective 9
4.Research and Projects Based on the Innovation of Human Resources Policies 15
5.A Study on Improving Projection Methods of the Labor Market 21
6.National HRD Budget System 25
7.Military HRD and Industry-Military Cooperation
8.Developing a Program that Supporting Employment Connect the Discharged Soldiers and the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 27
9.Case Study on the Learning Infrastructure in Small and Medium Enterprises 29
10.A Study on the Introduction of Job Rotation 31
11.An Innovative System for HRD at Regional Level 33
12.A Vocational Training Demand Survey 35
13.A Study on the Innovative Evaluation System for Vocational Training 37
14.The Relationship between the Index of Enterprise Human Resource Development and Enterprise Credit Level 39
15.Performance Analysis on the National Authorization System of Private Qualifications 41
16.A Plan for a New Qualifications System in the Knowledge and Information Era 45
17.Occupational Research on Health and Medical Industry 51
18.Koreans' Occupational Consciousness and Work Ethics 55
19.Development of Employment Service Excellence Standards 57
20.Careers of Korean Ph.Ds with Degrees of Foreign Countries and the HRD Policy of the Highly Skilled in Korea 61
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
KRIVET. (2007-12-31). 2006 KRIVET Research Abstracts.
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연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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