Case Studies of the Workplace Learning in Small and Medium Enterprises in Korea

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중소기업의 현장학습 사례연구(SMEs Workplace Learning in Korea)
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Unlike large organizations, SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) are characterized by the fact that informal workplace learning plays a very important role in the formation of skills (Kim, Young Saing, 2007). This project aims to analyze specific cases in practical workplace learning, important in developing new knowledge, technology, and skills, and in creating core competency. At the same time, it is valuable to explore and facilitate the actual status of workplace learning of SMEs in Korea.
In addition, the research methods designed by ILO (International Labor Organization), which produced examples of workplace learning in Korean SMEs, illustrate how to support workplace learning in Asian SMEs.
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction 1
1. Purposes of Project 1
2. Research and Project Contents 1
3. Research and Project Methods 2
4. Framework of Case Analysis 3
II. Informal Workplace Learning and Support System in Korea 5
1. Introduction 5
2. Overview of SMEs in Korea 6
3. Skill Formation of SMEs in Korea 7
4. Issue of Governmental Scheme of SMEs. 11
5. Learning Organization Program as an alternative plan 15
III. Case Analysis of Workplace Learning 17
1. Yuhan-Kimberly Co., Ltd. 17
2. Dong Myoung Food Company 36
3. Chicago Dental Hospital 46
4. Hanacoby Co., Ltd. 58
5. Miju Co., Ltd. 71
6. Youngjin, Co., Ltd. 83
7. DSP Co., Ltd. 94
8. Yeonwoo Co., Ltd. 107
9. Huneed Co., Ltd. 120
10. Sosul Co., Ltd. 134
IV. Summary and Conclusion 147
1. Comparative summary of examples 147
2. Conclusion 164
참고문헌 167
김영생. (2008-07-31). Case Studies of the Workplace Learning in Small and Medium Enterprises in Korea.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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