National Profiles on Technical and Vocational Education in Asia and the Pacific

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Table Of Contents
Part Ⅰ : Country Profile and Socio-Economic Background 1
1. Profile of Korea 1
2. Economic Development 3
3. The Labor Market 5

Part Ⅱ : Technical and Vocational Education and Training 8
1. Education System 8
2. Technical and Vocational Aspects of General
Education 16
3. Technical and Vocational Education 21
4. Vocational Training 25
5. National Technical Qualification System 31

Part Ⅲ : Lifelong Education 38
1. Institutionalization of Lifelong Education 38
2. Non-formal education 39
3. Air & Correspondence Education 40
4. Polytechnic university 41
5. Credit Bank System 42
6. Self-Study as an Alternative to a Bachelor's Degree 43

Part Ⅳ : TVET Supporting Systems 44
1. Administration of TVET (Technical and Vocational
Education and Training) 44
2. TVET Research and Development 51
3. TVET Teacher Training 52
4. TVET and Industrial Partnership 54
5. International Cooperation in TVET 56

Part Ⅴ: Directory of Key Related Institutions and Professionals 62
1. National level TVET Administrative Offices 62
2. TVET R&D Related Institutes 63
3. Teacher Training Institutions 63
4. TVET Related Professional Societies and Associations 64
5. Offices and Agencies for TVET International
Cooperation 65
6. TVET Professionals and Experts 67

Part Ⅵ: Future Prospects and Tasks of Korean TVET 69
1. Main Education Reform Measures 69
2. The New Vocational Education System 70
3. Reform Efforts and Future Tasks of Korean TVET 72

References 75
Young-HyunLee. (1998-12-31). National Profiles on Technical and Vocational Education in Asia and the Pacific.
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연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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