한국의 직업교육훈련 : 1960~현재

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Vocational Education and Training in Korea: 1960~present
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The Republic of Korea vaulted in less than three generations from being one of the poorest countries in the world to becoming a member of the OECD. This economic transformation has attracted considerable admiration and inquiry. One of the key factors for Korea’s success was the provision of skills to support industrialization and economic diversification. This report takes advantage of a new World Bank diagnostic tool to examine the development of the Korean system for WfD from 1970 to 2010. The findings are intended to document good practices, lapses and key breakthroughs and generate insights that can be used to enrich dialogue on WfD policy in the World Bank’s partner countries.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Country Context 5
Chapter 3. Overview of Benchmarking Results 15
Chapter 4. Detailed Results : Dimension 1 - Strategic Framework 21
1. Policy Goal 1 - Articulating a Strategic Direction for WfD 23
2. Policy Goal 2 - Prioritizing a Demand-led Approach 27
3. Policy Goal 3 - Strengthening Critical Coordination 30
Chapter 5. Detailed Results : Dimension 2 - System Oversight 33
1. Policy Goal 4 - Diversifying Pathways for Skills Acquisition 35
2. Policy Goal 5 - Ensuring Efficiency and Equity in Funding 39
3. Policy Goal 6 - Assuring Relevant and Reliable Standards 42
Chapter 6. Detailed Results : Dimension 3 - Service Delivery 45
1. Policy Goal 7 - Fostering Relevance in Training Programs 47
2. Policy Goal 8 - Incentivizing Excellence in Training Provision 51
3. Policy Goal 9 - Enhancing Accountability for Results 53
Annex 57
Annex 1. Analytical Framework of SABER-WfD 59
Annex 2. Benchmarking Scores 60
Annex 3. Acronyms 61
Annex 4. Documents 62
Annex 5. Informants 65
Annex 6. Benchmarking Rubrics 66
고혜원. (2011-12-31). 한국의 직업교육훈련 : 1960~현재.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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