2007 KRIVET Research Abstracts
- Table Of Contents
- 1.Reform Plans of Government Funding Policies of Industry-Academia Cooperation -Focused on the HRD programs of Colleges 1
2.Study on Plans for Strengthening the Utilization of National Authorized Private Qualification 5
3.Performance-aligned HR Indicators and Index Development 9
4.Career Stages For HRD Policy in Science and Engineering Field 13
5.Diffusicon of Converging Technology and Human Resources Development 15
6.Research on Occupations in Senior Industry: Exploration in Industrial Sectors of Long-term Care, Supportive Aids or Devices, Leisure for Elderly, and Recreation 17
7. Development of KRIVET Occupation Prospect Index 21
8. Human Resources Development and Labor Market Transition of Youth(Ⅲ) 25
9. Youth's Human Resources Development: Macroscopic View and Human Capital Investment 27
10. Skill Mismatch and Mobility of Youth in Labor Market 29
11. Facilitation of Work-to-School Transitions Among Workers(Ⅰ) 31
12. Active Ageing and Human Resource Development 33
13.Study on the Forecasting of Manpower Demands by Industry and Manpower Requirements by Academic Background 35
14.Research and Projects Based on the Innovation of Human Resources Policies 41
15.Building of the Support System for Sectoral Human Resource Development(Ⅲ): Policy Recommendations for the institutional settlement of Sectoral Human Resource Development Councils 43
16.Koreans’ Occupational Consciousness and Work Ethic(2007) -In the Context of International Comparison- 47
17.A Study on How to Enhance Global Competitiveness of Higher Education 49
18. The Irregular Job Worker's Career Formation 51
19. The Research on the Social Pact for Human Resource Development 53
20.Social Capital and Human Resource Development (Ⅱ) : Social Capital of Enterprises and Corporate Competitiveness in Korea 57
21.Establishment of a Cooperative Network for Regional HRD 61
22.A Vocational Training Demand Survey: Estimation of Training Demand Following the Implementation of the Korea-U.S. FTA 65
23.Future Changes of HRST Policy Environment and New HRST Policy Strategies in Korea 67
24.Classification of the HRD Related Policies and the Evaluation of Their Effectiveness 69
25.Survey Research on the Vocational Education and Training in the Asia-Pacific Region: Laos 73
26. Innovation-Driven HRD CLO Program Development 75
27. Korean Education & Employment Panel(2007) 78
28. Human Capital Corporate Panel Survey(2007) 85
29.UNESCO Regional Center Project(2007):Global Workplace-based HRD Expert Education Program Development 87
30.A Study on Building up Chief Learning Officer Competency Modelling Framework 89
- Publisher
- KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
- Citation
- KRIVET. (2008-12-31). 2007 KRIVET Research Abstracts.
- Type
- Book
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- 연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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