머 리 말 일러두기 Ⅰ 인적자원의 축적 _ 9 The Stock of Human Resources Ⅰ-1 총인구 및 인구성장률 _ 11 Total Population & Growth Rate Ⅰ-2 생산가능인구 및 구성비 _ 12 Productive Population and Ratio Ⅰ-3 부양비 및 노령화 지수 _ 13 Dependency Ratios and Index of Aging Ⅰ-4 수도권 인구수 및 인구 비율 _ 14 Population of Capital Area & Ratio Ⅰ-5 학령인구수 _ 15 School Age Population Ⅰ-6 성/연령별 국민 평균 교육년수 _ 16 Average Years of Schooling by Sex and Age Ⅰ-7 국민의 학력 구성비(25세 이상) _ 17 Composition of Population by Educational Attainment(25 Years Old & Over) Ⅰ-8 고등교육기관별 학생 수 _ 18 Number of Students by Institutions of Higher Education Ⅰ-9 대학원 학생 현황 _ 19 The Number of Graduate Students Ⅰ-10 인구 10만 명당 고등교육기관 여학생 수 _ 20 The Number of Female Students Enrolled in Higher Educational Institutions, per 100,000 People Ⅰ-11 교육수준별 경제활동인구 분포 _ 21 Distribution of Economically Active Population by Educational Attainment Ⅰ-12 계열별 학위(석사, 박사) 취득자 수 _ 22 Number of Master's and Doctoral Degree Recipients by Discipline Ⅰ-13 국외 박사학위 취득자 수 _ 24 Number of Persons with Doctoral Degrees from Foreign Institutions Ⅰ-14 국가기술자격 검정 현황(2007) _ 25 National Technical Certification Qualification, 2007 Ⅰ-15 외국인 근로자 수 _ 26 Number of Foreign Workers Ⅰ-16 의료인력 1인당 인구수 _ 27 Number of Population per Medical Personnel Ⅰ-17 연령계층별 학생의 신장, 체중 및 신체 중량지수 _ 28 Average Height, Weight & Body Mass Index of Students by Age Cohort Ⅰ-18 연령계층별 대학 이상 고등교육이수자 비율(2006) _ 30 Percentage of The Population That Has Attained at Least Upper Secondary Education, by Age Cohort, 2006 Ⅰ-19 주요국의 25~64세 고용률의 학력별, 성별 분포(2006) _ 31 Employment Ratio by Educational Attainment Level and Sex for 25 to 64-yearolds, 2006 Ⅰ-20 외국인 노동력 및 고급기술인력 _ 33 Foreign Labor Force & High-skilled Foreign Workers Ⅰ-21 경제활동인구 및 경제활동 참가율 _ 34 Economically Active Population & Participation Rate Ⅱ 인적자원의 개발(과정) _ 35 The Development(process) of Human Resources Ⅱ-1 취학률 _ 37 Enrollment Ratios Ⅱ-2 교육단계별 직업교육기관 입학자 수 _ 38 Number of Vocational School Entrants by Education Level Ⅱ-3 계열별 전문계고 입학자 수 _ 39 Number of Vocational High School Entrants by Field of Study Ⅱ-4 계열별 전문대 입학자 수 _ 40 Number of Junior College Entrants by Field of Study Ⅱ-5 교육기회의 미충족 및 이유(2008) _ 41 Levels of Dissatisfaction with Education Attainment & Reasons for Dissatisfaction, 2008 Ⅱ-6 초중등학교 유학생 현황 _ 42 Elementary, Middle, & High School Students Studying Abroad Ⅱ-7 직업교육기관별 교원 1인당 학생 수 _ 43 Number of Students per Teacher in Vocational Education Institutions Ⅱ-8 전문계고 학교유형별 교원 1인당 학생 수 _ 44 Number of Students per Teacher in Vocational High School by School Type Ⅱ-9 일반계고 대 전문계고 학생비율 _ 45 Ratio of General High School Students to Vocational High School Students Ⅱ-10 교육단계별 직업교육기관 학생 수 _ 46 Number of Vocational School Students by Education Level Ⅱ-11 교육단계별 직업교육기관 수 _ 47 Number of Vocational Education Institutions by Education Level Ⅱ-12 전문계고 학교유형별 학교 수 _ 48 Number of Vocational High School by School Type Ⅱ-13 전문계고 학교유형별 교실 당 학생 수 _ 49 Number of Students per Classroom in Vocational High School by School Type Ⅱ-14 전문대 및 산업대 학생 1인당 강의실 면적 _ 51 Classroom Area per Student in Junior Colleges & Technology Universities Ⅱ-15 GDP대비 공교육비 비율 _ 52 Ratio of Public Educational Expenditures to GDP Ⅱ-16 학생 1인당 공교육비 _ 53 Public Educational Expenditure on Education per Student Ⅱ-17 초등학교(6학년) 교과목별 학업성취수준 _ 54 Educational Achievement Level in 6th Grade by Subject Ⅱ-18 중학교(3학년) 교과목별 학업성취수준 _ 55 Educational Achievement Level in 9th Grade by Subject Ⅱ-19 고등학교(1학년) 교과목별 학업성취수준 _ 56 Educational Achievement Level in 10th Grade by Subject Ⅱ-20 가구당 교육비 지출률 _ 57 Percentage of Expenditure on Education per Household Ⅱ-21 분야별 사설학원 이수자 수 _ 58 Number of Persons who Completed Courses in Private Education Institutes by Field Ⅱ-22 교육수준별 취업자 수 _ 59 Number of Employed Persons by Educational Attainment Level Ⅱ-23 입사 이후 직무관련 훈련 참여율 및 평균 일수(2001) _ 60 Participation Rate & Average Number of Participation Days Spent On-the-job-training, 2001 Ⅱ-24 GDP대비 연구개발 투자비율 _ 61 Ratio of Research & Development Expenditures to GDP Ⅱ-25 기업의 교육훈련비용 추이(상용근로자 30인 이상) _ 62 Trends in Corporate Expenditures on Education and Training(Companies with 30 or More Regular Employees) Ⅱ-26 기업규모별 교육훈련비(상용근로자 10인 이상) _ 63 Expenditure on Education and Training by Company Size(Companies with 10 or more Employees) Ⅱ-27 직업훈련기관 유형별 기능사양성실적 _ 64 Number of Craftsmen Trained by Type of Vocational Training Institution Ⅱ-28 전문계고 학생의 중도탈락률 _ 65 Ratio of Vocational High School Students Discontinuing Study Ⅱ-29 평생학습참여율 _ 66 Rate of Participation in Lifelong Learning Ⅱ-30 기능 정도별 직업훈련 인원수 _ 67 Number of Vocational Trainees by Skill Level Ⅱ-31 직업교육 실시 일반계 고교 학생 수 및 비율 _ 68 Number of Ratio of General High School Students undertaking Vocational Education and Training Ⅱ-32 고용보험기금의 수입 / 지출 현황 _ 69 Income and Expenditure of Employment Insurance Fund Ⅱ-33 직업훈련실적 _ 70 Outcomes of Vocational Training Ⅱ-34 학교정보화 _ 71 School Informatization Ⅱ-35 컴퓨터 활용능력(2007) _ 72 PC Skills, 2007 Ⅱ-36 교육의 경쟁사회의 요구 부합 정도(2008) _ 73 Degree of Education's Consistency with the Demands of a Competitive Economy, 2008 Ⅲ 인적자원의 이행_ 75 Transition of Human Resources Ⅲ-1 국공립 및 민간 직업안정기관 수 _ 77 Number of Employment Security Offices Ⅲ-2 직업안정기관의 취업알선 실적 _ 78 Job Placement by Type of Employment Security Office Ⅲ-3 성별, 학력별 직업선택요인(2006) _ 79 Factors Affecting Job Selection by Sex & Educational Attainment, 2006 Ⅲ-4 전문대 학생의 이동상황 _ 80 Annual Mobility of Junior College Students Ⅲ-5 연도별 졸업률 _ 82 Graduation Rate of Students Ⅲ-6 교육단계별 직업교육기관 졸업자의 진학률 _ 83 Advancement Rate of Vocational School Graduates to Higher Education Ⅲ-7 교육단계별 직업교육기관 졸업자 수 _ 84 Number of Graduates by Vocational Education Level Ⅲ-8 전문계고 졸업자의 진학률 _ 85 Advancement Rate of Vocational High School Graduates to Higher Education Ⅲ-9 전문대 졸업자의 진학률 _ 86 Advancement Rate of Junior College Graduates to Higher Education Ⅲ-10 산업대 졸업자의 진학률 _ 87 Advancement Rate of Technology University Graduates to The Higher Educational Institutions Ⅲ-11 교육단계별 직업교육기관 졸업자의 취업률 _ 88 Graduate Employment Rates by Vocational Education Level Ⅲ-12 직업교육기관 졸업자의 전공분야 취업률 _ 89 Employment Rates of Vocational School Graduates Finding Jobs in Their Area of Specialization Ⅲ-13 전공계열별 전공일치도(2008) _ 90 Correspondence Rates of Graduates to Their Area of Specialization, 2008 Ⅲ-14 청년층 졸업 ? 중퇴자의 첫 취업 이행 기간 _ 90 Young College Graduates and Drop-outs: Transition Period to Their First Job Ⅲ-15 계열별 전문계고 학생의 국가기술자격 취득 _ 91 National Technical Qualifications Acquired by Vocational High School Students Ⅲ-16 전문대 학생의 국가기술자격 취득자 수 _ 92 National Technical Qualifications Acquired by Junior College Students Ⅲ-17 국가기술자격 취득자 수 _ 93 National Technical Certificate Holders Ⅲ-18 산업별 이직률 _ 94 Employment Separation Rate Ⅲ-19 취업알선율 및 구인배율 _ 95 Job Opening & Employment Placement Rate Ⅳ 인적자원의 활용_ 97 The Utilization of Human Resources Ⅳ-1 경제활동인구 및 참가율 _ 99 Economically Active Population & Labor Force Participation Rate Ⅳ-2-1 연령계층별, 성별 경제활동 참가율(남) _ 100 Labor Force Participation Rate by Age & Sex(Male) Ⅳ-2-2 연령계층별, 성별 경제활동 참가율(여) _ 101 Labor Force Participation Rate by Age & Sex(Female) Ⅳ-3-1 활동상태별 비경제활동인구의 구성(남) _ 102 Non-economically Active Population by Activity Type(Male) Ⅳ-3-2 활동상태별 비경제활동인구의 구성(여) _ 103 Non-economically Active Population by Activity Type(Female) Ⅳ-4 직업별 취업자의 구성비 _ 104 Distribution of Employed Persons by Occupation Ⅳ-5 종사상 지위별 취업자 구성비(전 산업) _ 105 Distribution of Employed Persons by Worker Status(All Industries) Ⅳ-6 생산가능인구(15~64세) 대비 연구원 비율 _ 106 R&D Personnel as a Percentage of Population(Aged 15~64) Ⅳ-7 사업체 규모별 인력부족률 _ 107 Shortage Ratio by Establishment Size Ⅳ-8 성별, 산업별 고령취업자(55세 이상) 비율 _ 108 Percentage of Employed Persons Aged 55 & Over by Sex & Industry Ⅳ-9 산업별 일자리 창출과 소멸 _ 109 Employment Creation and Extinction by Industry Ⅳ-10 연령계층별 실업자 수 및 구성비 _ 110 Number & Distribution of The Unemployed by Age Cohort Ⅳ-11 여성취업에 관한 태도 _ 112 Attitudes toward Female Employment Ⅳ-12 여성 전문/관리직 종사자 비율 _ 113 Percentage of Professional Workers among Employed Females Ⅳ-13 정부부문의 여성인력 비중 _ 114 Total Government Employees & Percentage of Female Government Employees Ⅳ-14 성별, 산업별 주당 평균 근로시간 _ 115 Average Number of Working Hours per Week by Sex and Industry Ⅳ-15 산업별 월평균 근로일수 _ 117 Average Number of Working Days per Month by Industry Ⅳ-16 산업별 월평균 임금수준 및 임금격차 _ 119 Average Monthly Wages by Industry & Wage Differences Ⅳ-17 직종별 월평균 임금수준 및 임금격차 _ 121 Average Monthly Wages by Occupation & Wage Differences Ⅳ-18 학력별 임금격차 _ 123 Wage Differences by Educational Attainment Ⅳ-19 사업체 규모별 임금 _ 124 Wages by Establishment Size Ⅳ-20 근로자 1인당 노동비용 추이 _ 125 Change in Labour Cost per Regular Employee Ⅳ-21-1 근로여건에 대한 만족도 1 _ 126 Levels of Satisfaction with Working Conditions 1 Ⅳ-21-2 근로여건에 대한 만족도 2 _ 128 Levels of Satisfaction with Working Conditions 2 Ⅴ 인적자원 활용의 결과_ 131 Outcome of Human Resources Utilization Ⅴ-1 지적재산권의 등록건수 _ 133 Grants of Intellectual Property Ⅴ-2 노동소득분배율 _ 134 Ratio of Compensation of Employees to NI Ⅴ-3 도시근로자 가구당 월평균 가계수입 추이(전년대비 증가율) _ 135 Trend in Monthly Income of Urban Wage Earners' Households(Annual Increase Rate) Ⅴ-4 소득 10분위별 분포 및 소득집중도(도시 근로자 가구) _ 136 Income Distribution by Income by Decile & Index of Concentration(Urban Wage Earners' Households) Ⅴ-5 노동생산성 지수 _ 137 Labor Productivity Indexes Ⅴ-6 생산구조 _ 138 Production Structure Ⅴ-7 사회적 이동 가능성에 대한 태도 _ 140 Attitudes toward Social Mobility Ⅴ-8 독서인구비율 _ 141 Percentage of People Who Read Books Ⅴ-9 학교도서관 좌석 및 장서 수 _ 143 Number of Seats and Books in School Libraries Ⅴ-10 인터넷 이용자 수 및 연령별 이용률 _ 144 Number of Internet User & User Ratio by Age Ⅴ-11 1인당 국내총생산(당해년가격) _ 145 GDP per Capita(Current Price) Ⅴ-12 국가별 남녀평등, 여성권한, 평등기회 지수 _ 146 GDI, GEM, Equal Opportunity Index Ⅴ-13 국가정보화 지수 _ 147 National Informatization Index Ⅴ-14-1 부문별 국가경쟁력 순위 1 _ 149 World Competitiveness Rank No. 1 Ⅴ-14-2 부문별 국가경쟁력 순위 2 _ 151 World Competitiveness Rank No.2 Ⅴ-15 산업생산 지수 _ 153 Industrial Production Index Ⅴ-16 과학환경 지수(2008) _ 154 Scientific Environment Index, 2008 Ⅴ-17 기술관리 지수(2008) _ 155 Technology Management Index, 2008 Ⅴ-18 지적재산권(2006) _ 156 Intellectual Property, 2006 Ⅴ-19 인간개발 지수(2006) _ 157 Human Development Index, 2006 Ⅴ-20 첨단기술수출(2006) _ 158 High-tech Exports, 2006 Ⅵ 인적자원의 유출과 상실 _ 159 The Outflow and Loss of Human Resources Ⅵ-1 인구 천 명당 해외이민자 수 _ 161 Number of Emigration Permission per 1,000 Population Ⅵ-2 IMD 국가별 인재유출 지수 _ 162 IMD Brain Drain Index Ⅵ-3 사인별 사망자 수 및 구성비 _ 163 Death Toll & Composition by Cause of Death Ⅵ-4 직업병 유병근로자 비율 _ 164 Rates of Health Examination & Occupational Disease Ⅵ-5 산업재해 발생률 /강도율 /사망만인률 _ 165 Rates of Frequency, Severity & Death in Industrial Accidents Ⅵ-6 경제활동인구대비 범죄자 비율 _ 166 Rate of Offenders to Economically Active Population 부록 (색인)_ 167