2009 KRIVET TVET and HRD Training Program for Experts

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인적자원개발 및 직업교육훈련 분야 전문가 연수
Choi, Young RealJanette HanKate Kim
Publication Year
URC 사업국제협력TVET
Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) has held the TVET and HRD Training Program for Experts annually since 2002. The Program is one of the activities KRIVET undertakes as part of its efforts to support UNESCO's international programme.
In 2000, KRIVET was designated by UNESCO to serve as a Regional Center of Excellence in TVET in the Asia-Pacific region. To fulfill this role, KRIVET endeavors to develop new and effective initiatives to foster capacity building and development of TVET in member states in the region.
The annual UNESCO Regional Center of Excellence in TVET Training Program is one initiative that was launched in 2002 by KRIVET. This year's TVET and HRD Training Program was little more special, as participants were nominated from ASEAN countries with networking relationship with SEAMEO VOCTECH, Brunei. ?Ten experts from nine countries took part in the Program held between August 17 to August 20, 2009.
During the 4-day program, participants were introduced to vocational education and training policies and systems in Korea and the experiences which provided important implications for the participants and their countries. Participants also took part in study visits and cultural activities, allowing them to obtain some sense of field experience, and a better understanding of Korea.
Upon completion of the program, participants were asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire, with the questionnaire results expected to be used to improve future programs.
Following the Program, KRIVET in cooperation with SEAMEO VOCTECH held an international seminar on VET with the same participants making individual presentations.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 Background
Section 1: Program Background 1
Section 2: Program Objectives 2
Chapter 2 Program Outline
Section 1: Program Introduction 3
Section 2: Program Preparation 4
Chapter 3 Program Contents
Section 1: Composition of Program 5
Section 2: Lectures 8
Section 3: Study Visits 211
Chapter 4 Program Results
Section 1: Program Evaluation by Participants 215
Section 2: Improvement Plans 219
Executive Summary 223
List of Participants 227
List of Lecturers 229
Program Survey 231
Certificate of Completion 235
Choi, Young Real. (2009-12-31). 2009 KRIVET TVET and HRD Training Program for Experts. UNESCO Regional Center Project(2009).
Research Report
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