Study on the Vocational Education and Training of Korea to the Cooperation with Developing Countries: Study on the establishment of a development cooperation model of Korean vocational education and training

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Choi, Young RealYoungsup ChoiOh, Ho Young
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This study was conducted to arrange the content and evaluation of vocational education and training and the rationale behind international cooperation. Also, this study seeks to systematically document its experience in vocational education and training through studying the development process of Korea and the accompanying policies and outcomes. Korea had implemented various policies attempting to support vocational education and training in the past. This study provides information and outcomes of the development experience so that developing countries may analyze the background, content and outcomes of various policies in forming their own vocational education policies.
Table Of Contents
Introduction 1
I. Background and purpose of study 1
II. Description and scope of study 2
III. Research methods 3
IV. Literature review and division of period 5
PartⅠEconomic Growth & VET
Chapter 1. VET Policies During the Economic Development 17
I. Initial conditions before the promulgation of economic development plan(1945-1961) 17
II. Period of the economic development plan(1962-1986) 20
III. Democratization, globalization and informatization era(1988-Present) 49
Chapter 2. Economic Development Strategies & VET 87
I. Characteristics of the economic development strategies 87
II. Characteristics of the VET policies of Korea 93
III. Implications 94
PartⅡ Vocational Education
Chapter 1. Outline of Vocational Education 103
I. Vocational education policies 104
II. Vocational curriculum policies 126
III. Success factors of the promotion of vocational education policies 141
Chapter 2. Secondary Vocational Education 147
I. Changes in the vocational upper secondary education 147
II. Educational administration and finance 195
III. Training of teachers 226
IV. The curriculum 249
Chapter 3. Higher Vocational Education 307
I. The stabilization and changes in the higher vocational education system 310
II. Growth and development of higher vocational education(1979~1996) 321
Part Ⅲ Vocational Training
Chapter 1. Vocational Training Policies 369
I. Introduction of vocational training system 370
II. Vocational training policy during vocational training levy system 380
III. Job competency development policy 406
Chapter 2. Vocational Training Institutes 423
I. The training institutes in the early stage of economic development 424
II. The training institutes in the growth stage of economic development 441
Chapter 3. Financing 467
I. Vocational training duty system 467
II. Vocational ability development program of the employment
insurance policy 482
Chapter 4. Vocational Training Infrastructure 489
I. Vocational training teachers 489
II. Vocational training standard 504
III. Evaluation on training organizations 509
IV. Vocational training information infra(HRD-net) 520
V. Implications 525
Chapter 5. Qualification System 529
I. The establishment of qualification system(~1973) 529
II. Integration of qualification system(1973~1997) 531
Part Ⅳ Recent Policies in VET
Chapter 1. Secondary Vocational Education 543
I. Policy of secondary vocational education 543
II. Students 565
III. Teacher 569
IV. Curriculum 571
V. Industry-academia cooperation 577
Chapter 2 Junior College 587
I. Change of social structure and educational environment 587
II. Junior college policy since 1997 594
III. System improvement for junior college development 607
IV. Junior college achievement 640
Chapter 3. Vocational Competence Development 647
I. Activating the human resources development for SMEs 648
II. Vocational training partnership 658
III. Self-leading competency development facilitation for the disadvantaged class 664
Chapter 4. Job Competency Development Training 671
I. Structure of the job competency development training 671
II. Unemployed training 674
III. Human resources training 687
IV. Employer provided training 695
V. Employed workers support 703
VI. Remote training 709
Chapter 5. Qualification System 719
I. The current qualification system in Korea 719
II. Present situation of national skills qualification system operation 725
Choi, Young Real. (2009-12-31). Study on the Vocational Education and Training of Korea to the Cooperation with Developing Countries: Study on the establishment of a development cooperation model of Korean vocational education and training.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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