2008 KRIVET Research Abstracts
- Table Of Contents
- 1.Young Adult Generation Unemployment Research 1
2.Facilitation of Work-to-School Transitions of Adult Workers(II): Focused on Higher Educational Institutes 3
3.Work Values and Vocational Ethics of Korean(2008) - Work Values and Vocational Ethics of Employers and Workers in Korean Firms - 7
4.Work Values and Vocational Ethics of Korean(2008) - Work Ethics and Professionalism of Professionals - 9
5.Social Capital and Human Resources Development(Ⅲ) - Focused on Inter-firm Relations - 11
6.Foundational Study for the Renovation of Human Resource Policies: Focusing on Constructing the Infrastructure for Core HRD 13
7.Innovation of Lifelong Skills Development System(Ⅰ): Linkage of Skills Development Strategy with Employment Policy 17
8.Exploring a Model for Integrating Career Education with Other Subjects 21
9.Teachers’ Perception on Career Education 27
10.A Study on How to Enhance Industrial Competitiveness of Higher Education 29
11.The Influence of Free Trade Agreements on the World of Work 31
12.Developing the Mutual Cooperation for HRD between Large Companies and SMEs 35
13.A Study on Forecasting Future Skills Requirements 37
14.Support for North Korea’s Human Resources Development(HRD) Efforts and Cooperative Measures 39
15.Challenge to the HRST Policy: Focusing on High Level HRST 41
16.A Scheme for the Linkage of Welfare, Learning and Employment Services at the Regional level 43
17.A Study on the Vocational Training Financing System - Focusing on the Role of Social Stakeholders - 45
18.A Study on the Introduction of Lifelong Learning Accounts 53
19.Strategies for the Development of Converging Technology Scientists and Engineers - Focusing on Biotechnology-based Converging Technologies - 55
20.Study on Establishment of a System to Evaluate Operation of the Qualification System 57
21.Measure to Reinforce the Efficiency for Management and Operation of National Qualification Testing: Focused on the Model of Management and Operation 65
22.Job Market Outlook 2009 67
23.Research on Occupations in Biotechnology Industry 69
24.Development of the BARS-Based Assessment Test to Measure Core Competencies for Vocational High School Students 73
25.Research of the Career Transition Support System for the Middle- aged 77
26.A Study on Career Path of Vocational High School Students 81
27.A Study on the Distance Education of Vocational Training for Foreign Workers in Korea 83
28.OECD Vocational Education and Training International Comparison(Ⅱ) 89
29.Development of KRIVET Occupation Prospect Index(2008) 91
30.National Human Resources Development Policies and Strategies under New Government System 95
31.A Basic Study of Enhancing In-Plant Lifelong Learning Competency 97
32.Institutional and Policy Reforms for Educational Advancement 101
33.Educational Globalization Strategies of UAE 103
34.National Strategies for Job Creation 105
35.Skill Formation and Wage System: Case Studies on Volkswagen, Toyota and Hyundai 107
36.An Analysis of Employment Status for Graduates of Higher Education upon Initial Entry into Labor Market 111
37.Activating Participation of Labor and Management in Regional Labor Market: Focused on the Capacity Building of Labor & Management 115
38.The Changes and Tasks of the Vocational Competencies Development in Korea 117
39.The Impact of Technological Change on Earnings Inequality: Analysis of the HCCP Data 119
40.A Survey of Credentialism and Meritocracy in Korea 125
41.International Comparison of Female Human Resource in Formal and Informal Sectors 127
42.School Specialization Plan for Promoting Career Development of Adolescents in the Republic of Korea 129
- Publisher
- KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
- Citation
- KRIVET. (2009-12-31). 2008 KRIVET Research Abstracts.
- Type
- Book
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- 연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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