The Implementation of Green Jobs Activities : Green Jobs Study in Energy Intensive Industries in Asia
- Author(s)
- Gyuhee Hwang; Hyun-Soo Kim; Kim, Sang Jin
- Publication Year
- 2010-11-30
- Created
- 2010-11-30
- Abstract
- This study will forecast the future skills demand and present the direction for future workforce cultivation on a global level in response to spreading green technology in steel and cement industries. Each country can refer to the direction for future workforce cultivation presented in this study by considering current status of industry, technology and workforce of own country. Meanwhile, the analysis methodology presented in this study can help to plan the direction for future workforce cultivation in response to greening of other energy intensive industries and general manufacturing.
This study seeks job change and workforce cultivation in response to greening and energy reduction in steel and cement industries which are considered to be the energy intensive sector. For that, the following technology categories will be focused.
(1) Alternative fuels and resources by industry
(2) Energy efficiency processes by industry
(3) Recycling by industry
(4) Environmentally friendly product by industry
(5) Carbon Capture and Storage
(6) Environmental monitoring systems
Among these, carbon capturing and environmental monitoring are not limited to steel and cement industries. Therefore, carbon capturing and environmental monitoring will be analyzed as separate categories, while alternative fuels and resources, energy efficiency processes, recycling and environmentally friendly products will be reviewed by steel industry and cement industry.
First of all, this study will forecast what are the skills to be required newly according to the technology outlook based on TRM by IEA scenarios, and how the skills composition ratio will change. And then, the changes on related jobs and skills demand according to technology area diagnostics that newly had appeared in the participation of related technology experts, job analysis experts and training & education experts will be deduced. Finally, on the basis of the outlook on this skills and job changes, the direction for education & training will be presented. ...
- Table Of Contents
- Chapter 1. Development of a Systematic Approach 1
1.1. Research Method & Utilization 1
1.2. Future Technological Needs 4
1.2.1. Current Status and Issues 4
1.2.2. Identification and Analysis of Alternative Technologies in Future 5
1.2.3. Technology Road Map for Future Skills Demand 7
1.3. Future Skills Needs and Job Change 8
1.3.1. Skills Demand Change 8
1.3.2. Proposal for Education and Training Course by Technology 10
Chapter 2. Future Technological Needs 13
2.1. Diffusion of Green Technology 13
2.1.1. Greening of Manufacturing Industry in general 13
2.1.2. Greening of Steel Industry 15
2.1.3. Greening of Cement Industry 20
2.2. Green Technological Needs in Steel Industry 26
2.2.1. Alternative Fuel and Source Material 26
2.2.2. Energy Efficient Process 31
2.2.3. Backend Process including Recycling 38
2.2.4. Environment-friendly Steel Products 43
2.3. Green Technological Needs in Cement Industry 50
2.3.1. Alternative Fuel and Source Material 50
2.3.2. Energy Efficient Process 55
2.3.3. Backend Process including Recycling 59
2.3.4. Environment-friendly Cement Products 61
2.4. Carbon Capture and Storage and CO2 monitoring 64
2.4.1. Carbon Capture and Storage 64
2.4.2. CO2 Monitoring 74
2.5. Technology Road Map 76
2.5.1. Steel Industry TRM 76
2.5.2. Cement Industry TRM 78
2.5.3. Carbon Capture and Storage and CO2 Monitoring TRM 79
Chapter 3. Reviews on Skills Requirement 81
3.1. Changes on Responding Skills & Workforce Demand by Technology 81
3.1.1. Steel Industry 81
3.1.2. Cement Industry 85
3.1.3. Carbon Capture and Storage and CO2 Monitoring 88
3.2. Job Changes 90
3.2.1. Analysis System 90
3.2.2. Steel Industry 93
3.2.3. Cement Industry 97
3.2.4. Carbon Capture and Storage and CO2 Monitoring 101
3.2. Appendix 1. Creation of New Jobs 103
3.2. Appendix 1.1. Steel Industry 103
3.2. Appendix 1.2. Cement Industry 103
3.2. Appendix 1.3. Carbon Capture and Storage and CO2 Monitoring 104
3.2. Appendix 2. Greening Existing Jobs 103
3.2. Appendix 1.1. Steel Industry 103
3.2. Appendix 1.2. Cement Industry 103
3.2. Appendix 1.3. Carbon Capture and Storage and CO2 Monitoring 104
3.3. Direction for Developing Education/Training Courses in response to Green Technology 109
3.3.1. Steel Industry 109
3.3.2. Cement Industry 110
3.3.3. Carbon Capture and Storage and CO2 Monitoring 111
3.3. Appendix 1. Steel Industry 112
3.3. Appendix 2. Cement Industry 132
3.3. Appendix 3. Carbon Capture and Storage and Carbon Monitoring 142
References 151
- Publisher
- 한국직업능력개발원
- Citation
- Gyuhee Hwang. (2010-11-30). The Implementation of Green Jobs Activities : Green Jobs Study in Energy Intensive Industries in Asia.
- Type
- Research Report
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- 연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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