체계적 현장훈련 지도자 양성교육 프로그램 개발

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Development of Systematic On-the-job Training Program for eaders
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현장훈련 지도자양성교육 프로그램
본 연구는 이러한 연구의 필요성에 따라 현장훈련 지도자의 요구 및 업무를 분석하여 체계적인 현장훈련 시스템 구축 및 운영, 현장훈련 매뉴얼을 효과적으로 개발하고 활용할 수 있는 교육 프로그램을 개발하는 것을 목적으로 한다.
Selection and training for the SOJT trainer who are critical success factor of SOJT is important. The goal of this study was establishing selection standards of the SOJT trainer and developing training program which let them develop OJT system and use the OJT manual by analyzing systematically their needs and job. The SOJT trainer needs to possess specialty in training, and to enhance the SOJT trainer competency as a trainer, this study set 5 competency groups which are personal relationship competency, business/management competency, personal competency, technical competency, and intellectual competency as a SOJT trainer, deducted detail competencies in each competency group, and defined concepts of them. Also the researchers of this study developed training program for SOJT trainer according to the processes of analysis, design, develop, implementation, and evaluation based on ISD model.
First, OJT circumstances, OJT trainer''s job, and OJT trainer as a trainee were analyzed by literature review, experts meeting, survey, and case analysis.
For analyzing OJT circumstances, survey on management, HRD person, OJT trainee who had has an experience as a trainee in OJT, and OJT trainer who had has an experience as a trainer in OJT of 15 corporations was conducted. The respondents recognized the work management and leadership level were above middle level. The training types which had the highest respond ratio was OJT and 8 corporations(66.7%) disposed the team exclusively responsible for HRD. The awareness of supporting level of HRD team or HRD person was a little bit above middle. Also the consequences of SOJT cases in manufacturing and service corporations were that the goal of SOJT implementing was for strengthening the competitiveness and educational background, career and completion a related course were needed to be a OJT trainer. Also reaction and learning level were generally evaluated and improved productivity and quality, changed trainee attitude and increased job satisfaction were indicated as OJT outcomes. On the other hand, lack of organizational supports, unclear training scope, trainee selection and motivation, making a training plan and developing training module(manual) were brought up as difficulties. Training programs for the OJT trainer introduced at domestic or abroad institutions and in literatures were looked at to analyze the OJT trainer''s jobs. As the analyzed results, they were needed to learn diagnosing the levels and the needs of trainee and applying the diagnosed results to train based on understanding of vocational education, overall OJT, the characteristics of adults and their learning. Also they should analyze the jobs objected for training and the trainee, making a plan for training, developing the training module or manual, implementing and managing OJT and evaluating training effects. By the survey results on the OJT trainer, they perceived their present level of job competency as intermediate(3.27) and required level as above middle(4.04). The highest need to training program for them was developing competency to build mutual faith with trainees through communication and the awareness of present level for their knowledges and skills based on the OJT trainer''s competencies proposed in this study was intermediate(3.15).
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 내용 5
제3절 연구의 방법 7
제4절 용어의 정의 7
제2장 체계적 현장훈련의 특성과 구성요소
제1절 현장훈련 9
제2절 체계적 현장훈련 14
제3장 현장훈련 지도자의 역량과 선정방안
제1절 현장훈련 지도자의 중요성과 역할 29
제2절 체계적 현장훈련 지도자의 역량 32
제3절 현장훈련 지도자의 선정방안 44
제4장 체계적 현장훈련 지도자 양성교육 프로그램 개발
제1절 교수체제개발(ISD)의 개념 및 모형 49
제2절 체계적 현장훈련 지도자 양성 교육 프로그램 개발 절차 및 방법 55
제3절 체계적 현장훈련 지도자 양성교육 프로그램 개발 62
부록 151
참고문헌 179
김영생. (2010-11-30). 체계적 현장훈련 지도자 양성교육 프로그램 개발.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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