전문기술인력 양성 및 활용의 선진화 방안 구상

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Advancement Measures to Develop and Utilize Professional Manpower
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As Korea''s industrial structure has changed into more technology-intensive advanced level, demand for professional technicians has continuously increased. Consequently the focus of vocational education has shifted from high school to junior college and the importance of employees'' re-training to upgrade skills and knowledge is more emphasized.
However, junior college education in Korea is confronted with several problems such as oversupply, manpower mismatch in terms of both quantity and quality, lack of recognition and low utilization of junior college education results in labor market, low academic ability of students, limited provision of re-training programs for adults, and loss of junior college''s identity distinguished from 4-year university.
This policy memo intends to suggest right policy measures to tackle the problems mentioned above and strategically respond to changing trends in skills demand: (1) optimizing the size of junior college education provision by introducing exit-ways in which inferior junior colleges can get out of higher education market; (2) providing employment-oriented vocational education programs based on industries'' skill demands and introducing the evaluation system for junior college education performance; (3) increasing re-training opportunities for incumbent workers; and (4) building comprehensive and practical information system that provides specific information on demand & supply of professional technicians.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 연구배경
1. 전문기술인력 양성·활용의 정책적 중요성 3
2. 전문기술인력 양성기관으로서의 전문대학의 위상 6
Ⅱ. 전문대학 교육의 주요 문제
1. 전반적 과잉 공급 11
2. 전문대학 교육 결과의 노동시장 인정·활용 저조 12
3. 전문대학 교육의 질적 수준 미흡 13
4. 성인학생의 교육 기회 저조 14
5. 전문대학의 정체성 모호 15
Ⅲ. 전문대학 교육선진화 기본방향
1. 학령인구 감소 대비 및 전문대학 교육의 질적 수준 향상 19
2. 현장성 극대화를 통한 취업 역량 강화 19
3. 시장기제의 원활한 작동조건 구비 19
Ⅳ. 전문대학 교육선진화 핵심전략
1. 핵심 추진전략 23
2. 세부 추진과제 24
1. 세계 수준의 전문기술인력 양성 전문대학 사례 39
2. 참고문헌 45
교육과학기술부, 국가교육과학기술자문회의, 한국직업능력개발원
백성준. (2010-11-30). 전문기술인력 양성 및 활용의 선진화 방안 구상.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)

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