2009 KRIVET Research Abstracts

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2009 KRIVET Research Abstracts
Publication Year
Table Of Contents
1. A Study on Vocational Education in Alternative Schools 1
2. Customized Education and Training for Industrial Manpower at the Higher Education Level 3
3. Measures to Improve Special Graduate Schools for Higher-Level Vocational Education 11
4. Strategies to Enhance the Effectiveness of International Development Cooperation in Education and Training 15
5. A Study on the Establishment of an Efficient Financial Education System to Strengthen Financial Knowledge 17
6. Technological Changes and Implications for Education and Training 17
7. A Case Study on the Learning Transfer in Corporate e-Learning 23
8. Job Creation Strategy through Building Firms' Employment Capacity 27
9. Analysis of the Current Condition of an Organization's Competency Modeling and its Application 29
10. A Study on the School Career Education Support Systems in relation to the Introduction of Admission Officers 33
11. Analysis of Vocational Education & Training in the Private Sector, and Measures to Improve its Competitiveness - User-based Vocational Education & Training System 37
12. A Study on the Effectiveness of the Social Security System in Skills Development 41
13. A Study on Human Resources Development in Low Carbon Green Growth - Focusing on Green Car 43
14. The Method to Improve the Basic Learning Ability of Vocational High School Students 47
15. Improvement Measures for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of Certified Professionals, Focusing on Medical Doctors, Professional Engineers, Lawyers, and Accountants 51
16. A Study on the Vocational Competency Development Plan as a Change in the Working Age-Limit System 55
17. A Study on Developing a Training Program for CEOs of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises to Promote Understanding of the Importance of Human Resources Development 57
18. A Study on Human Resources Development to Create a Strong Nation in the Area of Knowledge Services 59
19. Current Status of Korea's Regional Human Resources Development Policy and Future Tasks 65
20. Vocational Education Reform 2020 71
21. Method of Strengthening the Competencies of Vocational Education Institute Teachers - Focusing on Vocational High Schools - 75
22. Improving the Skills Development Account System 85
23. A Study on the Accreditation System for Training Institutions and Programs 87
24. A Basic Study on Creative Career Paths 89
25. Current Status of Vulnerable Adolescents’ Vocational Competencies and Improvement Directions 91
26. A Study on the Socio-Economic Effects of Lifelong Learning 95
27. Countermeasures for Career Development of Drop-out Youths 97
28. Korean Education & Employment Panel (2009) 101
29. Linkage and Performance between Education and the Labor Market (Ⅰ) 109
30. Integrated Career Education Model (Ⅱ) 115
31. Research on Global Korean Networking 119
32. Research on Exploring Overseas Jobs for Youth 121
33. A Study of the Korean SAT Score 123
34. Innovation of the Lifelong Skills Development System (Ⅱ): Empirical Analysis of Some Issues in the Vocational Training Financing System 127
35. A Study on the Training Guidance Improvements of the Vocational Competency Development Accounts 131
36. The Method for Collecting and Constructing Overseas Career Information for Youth 135
37. A Study on the Effect of Vocational Training on the Job Separation Rate 137
38. A Case Study on Elite Vocational Training Institutes 139
39. Vocational Education and Training in Nordic Countries 143
40. Vocational Programs for General High School Students 149
41. One Enterprise-to-One School Project to Invigorate Industry-Academia Collaboration 151
42. A Comparative Study on Veterans Support Policy 153
43. Development of KRIVET Occupation Prospect Index(2009) 155
44. A Fundamental Study to Explore Human Resources Development of the Children of International Marriage Households and Foreign Workers 159
KRIVET. (2010-12-31). 2009 KRIVET Research Abstracts.
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