OECD 교육성과 지표(INES LSO) 네트워크 사업(2014)

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OECD INES LSO Network(2014)
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○ OECD가 발간하는 대표적 교육통계 자료집인 ‘Education at a Glance(EAG)’에 활용될 한국의 LSO 관련 통계자료를 발굴·가공하여 제공하고 검증함.
○ 연 2회 개최되는 OECD INES LSO 총회에 참석하여 EAG 지표를 검토하고 신규 지표 개발 작업에 참여함.
○ OECD INES LSO 분과별 회의에서 논의된 현안을 중심으로 최근 교육의 노동시장 및 사회적 성과와 관련된 최근 동향을 파악하고, 이를 활용하여 국제비교 워킹페이퍼와 이슈 브리프 등을 작성함.
○ OECD EAG 동향을 소개하여 교육의 노동시장 및 사회적 성과와 관련된 국제적인 관심 주제와 시각을 원내외로 공유함.
The study aims to provide the statistical LSO data of Korea for the EAG, which is the education statistics data published by OECD and used as fundamental data for related policy making in most countries. We participate in the general assembly of OECD INES LSO, reviewing current indexes and developing new ones. And we figured out the international trend of education-to-work transitions and make some working papers to compare the LSO outcomes across countries. Additionally, we are trying to share the international information with members of KRIVET.

The key contents of OECD INES LSO are as follow.

○ To check the data for EAG 2014
- We verified education wage premium indexes(A6) and the school-to-work transition indexes of youth(C5).

○ To provide the data for EAG 2015
- We generated and provided the Education and Earning Data used for part A tables in EAG 2015 and the TRANS data for part C tables.

○ It is recommended to join four working groups of OECD INES LSO.
- Working groups are consist of 4 groups, Adult learning working group, Economic outcome working group, Learning and Labour Transition working group, and Working Group on Social Outcomes of Learning
- As some countries don't have national statistics or have statistical quality problem, countries are asked to cooperate with each other to solve the problems.
- We review the indexes and give our views on behalf of Korea.

○ It is scheduled to publish the working paper on cross-national comparison of world wide issues which were discussed in the national assembly.

○ To hold the meeting in Krivet to share the information about OECD LSO.
- Krivet meeting on 29 Apr 2014 about 11th INES LSO Network meeting
- Brown Bag Seminar on 30th Oct 2014 about 12th INES LSO Network meeting
We also make a brief cross-national comparative analysis on the employment determination factors for the recent graduates.

○ We present the results of Hamburg et al's study(2013) which used the EC employer survey, and carry out an comparative analysis with GOMS data from Korea Employment Information Service.

○ EC employer survey is a kind of simulation of two-step selecting process to employ staff, at first step of which employers are asked to select one person who can take a job interview among three CVs and at second step of which they are asked again to employ one person by evaluating the skills. And these steps are repeated ten times for each respondent.

○ In Europe, ‘Match between field of study and job tasks’ and ‘relevant work experience’ were most important elements of employment.

○ Underperformance comes at great cost, therefore good signals about graduate's employability are so important.

○ Employer survey can give much valuable information on the labor market of recent graduates.
Table Of Contents
요 약
제1장 사업 개요_1
제1절 사업의 필요성 및 목적 3
제2절 통계의 범위 및 기준 6
제3절 2014년 주요 사업 내용 8
제2장 OECD EAG 통계자료 제공과 주요 내용_15
제1절 EAG 2014의 구조 17
제2절 EAG 2014 통계자료의 검증 19
제3절 EAG 통계자료 제공 26
제3장 OECD INES LSO 네트워크 총회 및 분과별 활동_31
제1절 제11차 총회 및 분과별 활동 33
제2절 제12차 총회 및 분과별 활동 59
제4장 대졸자의 취업 결정 요인 국제비교 : EC 고용주 조사 결과와의 비교_71
제1절 도입 73
제2절 고용주 조사의 필요성 및 개요 74
제3절 이력사항의 효과 분석 80
제4절 소결 89
제5장 결론_91
제1절 사업내용 요약 93
제2절 당면 현안 95
1. OECD INES LSO 제11차 총회 원내 공유 세미나 자료 107
양정승. (2014-12-31). OECD 교육성과 지표(INES LSO) 네트워크 사업(2014).
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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