인재개발 우수기관 인증제도(Best HRD: Best Human Resources Developer)는 기업 등 민간기관과 공공기관에서 능력을 중심으로 인재를 채용·관리하고, 재직 중 학습을 통해 개인의 능력을 제고하는 등 인적자원개발이 우수한 기업 및 단체·공공기관을 대상으로 심사를 통하여 정부가 인증마크를 부여하는 제도이다. 이를 통해서 공공부문의 인적자원관리(HRM: Human Resources management)와 개발(HRD: Human Resources Development)의 모범적 기준을 제시하고, 우수 기관을 발굴·격려함으로써 국가 전체 차원에서 인재개발 활성화를 도모하며, 기준 충족에 미흡한 기관은 취약점을 개선하도록 컨설팅을 지원하고 인증 획득 기관은 인재개발 육성에 대한 조직의 지속적 관심을 유도한다. 2011년 공공부문 인재개발 우수기관 인증사업은 기존에 수행된 사업을 기반으로 교육과학기술부·행정안전부·한국직업능력개발원 주관으로 5월 1일부터 시작되었으며, 내실 있는 사업의 운영을 위해 사업설명회 확대, 지속적 홍보, 참여기관 사후관리, 인센티브 개선 및 심사 지표 개선 등 다양한 노력을 기울였다. 이러한 노력을 통해 참여기관 증가(’10년 대비 13.3% 증가)와 진행된 모든 프로그램에서 참여기관 및 참여인원 증가의 성과를 거두면서 전개되었다 The purpose of the best HRD accreditation project is to monitor, consult and certify capacity of human resource management and human resource development in central and local governments, colleges and universities, agencies and corporations in public sector. To attain sustainable growth through human resources development, the best HRD accreditation project team at KRIVET (Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training) formulated and developed standards and guidelines. On top of this, the best HRD team monitored local and global developments of regulatory measures in human resource management and development to ensure that policies and regulations are effective and relevant. In recognition of dynamic nature of human resource management and development, the best HRD team has issued the best HRD accreditation to organizations in public sector which went through the accreditation process built up by the KRIVET. The 6th best HRD accreditation project launched on May 1st, 2011 and provided five briefing sessions in Seoul as well as local areas for two weeks. The best HRD team received applications with documentary evidence and reviewed applications for two weeks. If an application meets the needs of a variety of standards, the best HRD team sends two inspectors for site monitoring. The criteria for accreditation are organized under two major parts human resource management; and human resource development, and 500 points are allotted to each category. The standards for human resource management are composed of four sub-criteria: systematic structure of human resource management personnel alignment; achievements and accomplishments and reward and incentive system. The standards for human resource development are composed of three sub-criteria; planning and infrastructure management and evaluation. Minimum 700 points are required but fewer than 200 in human resource management or 300 in human resource development fail sin acquiring the best HRD accreditation. The length of accreditation period is three years. Renewal is necessary every three years. The applicant organization, which meets with all the requirements, will be given both the best HRD accreditation and the best HRD membership, in which members share best practices and training resources and build networking. The best HRD team also provides applicants with consulting services by specialist in human resource management and development regardless of acquiring accreditation if once an applicant applied. In the year of 2011, total of 51 applicants applied for the best HRD accreditation. 17 of them were for re-accreditation. Four out of them earned over 900 points in total and 8 over 800 points. The other 18 scored slightly over 700 points. It is distinguishing feature of year 2011 that no applicant was failed in the accreditation. Through analysis of reports submitted by the inspectors, we found three common key factors of excellent organizations in human resource management and development; stated aim performance management systematic promotion and reward system and a diversity of education and training program. Besides, general capacity of human resource management and development in public sector has improved for last six years since the best HRD accreditation project began. It was also found that the gap of competence between local and metropolitan areas decreased and local governmental interests in in-house instructors, mentors and mentees, job qualification grew. We would like to suggest the followings to improve the project in the future; first, dividing work responsibilities into research and operation. Since Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRDSK) currently plays a role as accreditation authority in private sector as well, HRDSK may be able to take in charge of operation while KRIVET focuses on research about development of policy as well as accreditation evaluation criteria; second, securing stable budget. In spite of increase of applications including re-accreditation every year, budget allocation has decreased for last three years in a row; third, developing reasonable evaluation criteria for both small and large organization fourth, improving validity and reliability through organizing a handful of professional evaluators, who conduct a variety of site inspection with standardized scope.
Table Of Contents
요 약 제1장 공공부문 인재개발 인증 사업 개요 1 제1절 추진 배경 및 목적 3 제2절 사업 개요 및 추진경과 5 제2장 공공부문 인재개발 우수기관 인증심사 27 제1절 심사위원 선발 개요 29 제2절 심사위원 경향 분석 31 제3절 심사위원 연수 32 제4절 인증심사 기준 35 제5절 인증심사 과정 62 제6절 인증심사 66 제3장 공공부문 인재개발 우수기관 인증제 주요 사업 내용 75 제1절 인증위원회 77 제2절 해외 우수 HRD 사례 벤치마킹 79 제3절 Best HRD School 84 제4절 인재개발 컨설팅 96 제5절 인증수여식 및 Best HRD Club 100 제4장 Best HRD 인증 효과 및 성공모형 103 제1절 Best HRD 인증 효과 105 제2절 Best HRD 성공모형 108 제5장 Best HRD 사업평가 113 제1절 Best HRD 사업평가 개요 115 제2절 2010년 사업평가 결과 116 제3절 2011년 사업평가 설계 118 제4절 사업 평가 결과 123 제6장 Best HRD 인증 사업의 개선 과제 및 향후 발전 방향 125 제1절 개선 과제 127 제2절 공공부문 Best HRD 인증제 개선 방향 132 SUMMARY 139 참고문헌 143 부 록 145 1. 공공부문 인재개발 우수기관 인증 사업 신청 양식 147 2. 공공부문 인재개발 우수기관 인증 사업 서류심사 양식 152 3. 공공부문 인재개발 우수기관 인증 사업 현장심사 양식 167 4. 공공부문 인재개발 우수기관 인증 사업 운영규정 190