국가직무능력표준(NCS)에 의한 자격제도 개편 방안

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Policy Agenda to Reorganize Qualification System Based on National Competency Standards
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본 연구는 자격제도를 개편할 때 고려해야 할 요소들인 개편의 원칙과 방향, 자격제도 개편에 수반되는 쟁점을 분석하고 NCS를 활용하여 자격제도를 개편할 수 있는 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다.
Qualification system in Korea has been developed to be more important and prevalent as an objective tool to measure ones ability in work place. According to the drastic changes of the era, however, qualification system also undergoes new change driven by national and international factors. Therefore, this study aims to analyze and reorganize the direction of the qualification system in Korea based on National Competency Standards (NCS) in order to propose agenda to reform current qualification system.
Chapter 1 introduces the research purpose, methods, and contents of the study. As for the research methods, questionnaire was conducted and several expert meetings were held for the discussion.
Second chapter identifies the rationale and the issues presented in previous studies. In addition, this chapter examined the theoretical concepts related to qualification system through various literatures. Based on these analyses, It summarizes the current status of qualification system and derives the specific issues to be addressed in Chapter 3. To tackle main issues in new qualification system, analysis associated with existing qualification was done within NCS-based qualification system.
Chapter 3 analyses the issues and proposes policy agenda. It largely divides key concepts related to reorganization of the qualification system by NCS into 3 fields: the reorganization principles; the reorganization directions; and the reorganization content. The reorganization principles of the qualification system are the important theories which should always be considered to reorganize it. They can be defined as the principles of equity and efficiency. The reorganization directions of the qualification suggested issues related to the ways which should be sought in reorganization. They are based on connectivity, flexibility, and comparability. The reorganization contents of the qualification system are related to the details which achieve recognition of its value and are properly utilized in industries. The first step of the reorganization contents of the qualification system is industrial analyses and is to find out the career pathway. Next, required qualification should be identified and qualification types should be decided. And then, the awarding methods of each qualification should be determined by designing qualification types utilizing NCS unit or its element. In the final step, methods to maintain quality of qualification system is discussed.
Chapter 4 tries to apply the findings from chapter 3 to selected sectors, chemical and accommodation sector. The purpose of this chapter is to refine the proposal by testing the reorganization principles and proposals suggested in chapter 3. The Korean National Technical Qualification is largely divided into technology and service part. The chemical field was selected as the qualification related to technologies and the accommodation field was done as the service part.
Chapter 5 proposes 15 policy agenda and conclusion of this study to reorganize the qualification system based on NCS.
Table Of Contents
요 약
제1장 서 론_1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 3
제2절 연구내용 5
제3절 연구방법 7
제4절 연구절차 12
제5절 연구의 한계 및 향후 과제 13
제2장 NCS 기반 자격제도 개편의 이론적 분석_15
제1절 자격제도 개편 관련 선행연구 17
제2절 자격제도 관련 개념 29
제3절 NCS 기반 자격제도 개편의 배경 및 제도화 39
제4절 소결 43
제3장 NCS 기반 자격제도 개편의 쟁점 분석_47
제1절 자격제도의 개편원칙 49
제2절 자격제도의 개편방향 53
제3절 자격제도의 개편내용 76
제4절 소결 116
제4장 NCS 기반 자격제도 개편을 위한 산업분야별 검토_123
제1절 자격제도 개편의 검토대상 선정 125
제2절 화학분야 126
제3절 숙박분야 162
제4절 소결 191
제5장 NCS 기반 자격제도 개편 방안_197
Summary 213
부 록_223
1. NCS 기반 자격제도 개편 관련 조사 설문지 225
2. 설문 결과 요약정리 테이블 240
3. 영국의 숙박 관련 경력경로개발 274
4. 화학분야의 분류별 능력단위 현황 275
최영렬. (2014-10-31). 국가직무능력표준(NCS)에 의한 자격제도 개편 방안.
Research Report
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)

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