근로빈곤층 자립지원을 위한 직업능력개발 연계 방안 연구

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Embedding Vocational Skills Development Policy within the Employment and Welfare Linkages in Support for Self-sufficiency of Working Poor
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본 연구는 근로빈곤층 자립 지원 정책의 추이를 파악하고 직업능력개발정책을 효과적으로 연계하기 위한 방안을 모색하는 것을 그 목적으로 한다.
Working poor, defined as those who are willing and able to work but have trouble in getting job and moving out of poverty, has drawn much attention from employment and welfare policy makers across the globe. This means that poverty is not only due to loss of job or inactivity in the labor market, but due to the quality and retention of jobs, signifying the increasing importance of social policy that aims to link employment and welfare in resolving the working poverty problem.
This study investigates the roles of vocational skills development policy in supporting self sufficiency of working poor. Focus is given to income maintenance, employment service, and employment incentives, and a critical assesment is made of the roles and positions of skills development policy in terms of the linkage to these policy packages. Delineating the concept, composition, and the roles of vocational skills development policy in supporting self-sufficiency of working poor, self-sufficiency is defined as ‘exiting poverty through labor market entry and staying ’out of poverty’ status by employment retention’. To achieve self sufficiency of working poor, the configuration of income maintenance, employment incentives, and employment services needs to be established in a more concrete manner. The roles of vocational skills development policy deserve scrutiny as the welfare benefits are being transformed into individually tailored benefits under the National Basic Living Security System.
Policy suggestions have been made for vocational skills development in supporting self-sufficiency of working poor in two aspects: 1) reform of skills development policy into an employment friendly system, 2) strengthening of the effectiveness of employment-welfare linkage services.
The former includes policy intervention for minimizing skills mismatches between supply of job seekers and demands of business in regard to initial and continuing skills development, launching locally based industry tailored human resource development system and fine-tuning of local demands and supply through continuous consultation and adjustment, and strengthening the lifelong employment-skills development-welfare linkages. The latter includes policy intervention for combining employment support and tailored social services, reducing blind spots of unemployment insurance and incentivizing reemployment for benefit claimants as well as for welfare beneficiaries, streamlining delivery services for social welfare and employment services, establishing a network-based administration system, and linking employment services information to human resources development database.
Finally, this study suggests that pilot projects be implemented to launch a case management system to better deliver vocational skills development programs for working poor in the newly opening employment welfare centers and to reshape the existing centers by specific functions the in-house partner agencies perform in delivering their employment and welfare services.
Table Of Contents
요 약
제1장 서 론_1
제1절 연구의 필요성과 목적 3
제2절 연구 방법 15
제2장 근로빈곤층 직업능력개발정책의 현황 및 성과_19
제1절 근로빈곤층 직업능력개발사업 21
제2절 고용-복지 통합 지원 사업 30
제3장 근로빈곤층 자립지원 정책과 직업능력개발_41
제1절 근로빈곤층 자립지원정책과 직업능력개발 연계 47
제2절 고용-복지 연계 서비스 61
제3절 직업능력개발정책 개편 방향 71
제4장 근로빈곤층 직업능력개발과 고용서비스의 연계_85
제1절 근로빈곤층 대상자 선정단계 현황 87
제2절 근로빈곤층 자립지원을 위한 취업지원 및 직업훈련 99
제3절 공공전달체계의 개선 113
제4절 현장 관계자 면담 결과 119
제5장 해외사례: 외국의 근로빈곤층 직업훈련정책_135
제1절 문제제기 137
제2절 각국의 근로빈곤층의 추이 139
제3절 각국 근로빈곤층 지원정책의 개편동향 150
제4절 각국의 노동시장정책과 직업훈련정책 159
제5절 각국의 근로빈곤층 직업훈련정책 개편동향 173
제6절 소결 179
제6장 결론_181
류기락. (2014-10-31). 근로빈곤층 자립지원을 위한 직업능력개발 연계 방안 연구.
Research Report
Appears in Collections:
연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)

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