2016 Human Resources Development Indicators in Korea

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Ⅰ. Employment
1. Participation in Economic Activities
1) Economically Active Population by Gender 3
2) Labor Force Participation Rate by Age 4
3) Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Level 5
2. Employed and Unemployed Population
1) Composition of Employment by Industry 6
2) Employment Rate by Age Group 7
3) Discourage Workers 8
4) Unemployment Rate by Age Group 9
5) Unemployment Rate by Educational Attainment 10
3. Economically Active Youth Population
1) Trends in the Economically Active Youth Population 11
2) Additional Survey on the Economically Active YouthPopulation 12
3) Total and Youth Unemployment Rates 13
4. Wage
1) Wages by Industry and Gender 14
2) Labor Productivity Index 16
5. International Comparison of Labor Market
1) Employment Rates: Total 17
2) Employment Rates for the 15-24 Age Group 18
3) Employment Rates for the 25-54 Age Group 19
4) Employment Rates for the 55-64 Age Group 20
5) Average Hours Actually Worked 21
Ⅱ. Lifelong Vocational Education &Industry-Academia Collaboration
1. Secondary Vocational Education
1) Schools, Students and Teachers of High-School-Level Vocational Education Institutes by Academic Field 25
2) Regional Distribution of High-School-Level Vocational Education Institutes 26
3) Enrollment of Middle School Graduates 28
4) Ratio of Vocational High Schools among High Schools 28
5) Meister High Schools 29
6) Teachers in Meister High Schools 29
7) High School Dropout Rate by Academic Field 30
8) Career Path after Graduation from High-School-Level Vocational Education Institutions(Vocational High Schools) 31
9) Career Path after Graduation from High-School-Level Vocational Education Institutions(Specialized High Schools) 32
10) Employment and Enrollment after Graduation from Specialized/Meister Schools 32
11) School Admission after Graduation from High-School-Level Vocational Education Institutions(Vocational High Schools) 33
12) School Admission after Graduation from High-School-Level Vocational Education Institutions(Specialized High Schools) 34
13) College Freshmen by High School Type 34
14) Status after High School Graduation 35
15) Types of Occupational Fields for Employees Graduated from High-School-Level Vocational Education Institutions(Vocational High Schools) 36
16) Types of Occupational Fields for Employees Graduated from High-School-Level Vocational Education Institutions(Specialized High Schools) 37
2. Higher Vocational Education
1) Number of Junior Colleges 38
2) Number of Students Enrolled in Junior Colleges 39
3) Number of Students Enrolled in Junior Colleges by Academic Field 40
4) Number of Junior College Entrants 41
5) Admission Rate for Junior Colleges 42
6) Student Recruitment for Junior Colleges 43
7) Educational Conditions of Institutions Offering Junior College Courses 44
8) Age Distribution of enrolled students by Institutes Offering Junior College Courses 45
9) Age Distribution of Students Admitted to Junior Colleges 46
10) Age Distribution of Students Enrolled in Junior Colleges 47
11) Number of Junior College Faculty Members by Type of Establishment 48
12) Female Junior College Faculty Members 49
13) Number of Students per Full-time Lecturer 50
14) Junior College Courses by Course Size 51
15) Proportions of Lectures Given by Full Time/Part Time Lecturers in Junior Colleges 52
16) Average Junior College Tuition Fee 53
17) Change in University and Junior College Graduates 53
18) Age Distribution of Junior College Graduates 54
19) Employment of Junior College Graduates 55
20) Employment of Graduates from Higher Education Institutions 56
3. Lifelong Vocational Education
1) Overview of Lifelong Education 57
2) Status of Lifelong Education 58
3) Types of Lifelong Education Institutes 59
4) Characteristics of Lifelong Education Institutions 60
5) Lifelong Education Programs by Theme 61
6) Lifelong Education Participation Rate 62
7) Job-Related Non-Formal Education Participation Rate 63
8) Lifelong Education Participation Hours 64
9) Main Obstacles to Participation in Lifelong Education 65
4. Industry-Academia Collaboration
1) Operation of Contract Based Departments 66
2) Technical Colleges and Corporate Universities 67
3) Startup Clubs 68
4) LINC (Leaders in Industry ? University Cooperation) Outcome of the Program after the 3rd Year 68
5) LINC (Leaders in Industry ? Junior College Cooperation) Outcome of the Program after the 3rd Year 69
6) Technology Transfer Revenue and Contracts Signed by Industry-Academia Collaboration Center 70
7) Operation of Contract Majors 70
Ⅲ. Vocational Education & Training(VET)
1. Participation in Vocational Education and Training by Individuals
1) Proportion of VET Experience of Paid Workers by Demographics 73
2) Total Annual VET Hours of Paid Workers by Demographics 74
2. Practice of VET by Companies
1) Average Monthly VET Expenditure per Worker by Company Size 75
2) Trends in Total VET Expenditure per Person 76
3) Trends in Implementation of VET in Enterprises by Method 77
4) Trends in Implementation of VET in Enterprises by Field 78
5) Trends in Organizations and Personnel Dedicated to VET in Enterprises 79
6) HRD Index Trends 80
3. Implementation of VET Projects by Government
1) Budget and Results of VET Projects by Year 81
2) VET Project for the Employed by Year 83
3) Incumbent Worker Participation of Employer-Sponsored VET by Business Size 84
4) Employer-Sponsored Participation in VET by Gender, Age and Years of Service 85
5) VET for the Unemployed by Year 86
6) Participation in VET for Key National Strategic Industries by Demographics and Industry Type 87
7) Employment Rate after VET for Key National Strategic Industries by Field of Training 88
8) Monthly Account Opening Trends for VET Account Program 89
9) Employment and Completion Rate in VET Account Program by Demographics in 2014 90
10) Training Participation and Completion Rate in VET Account Program by Region in 2014 92
11) Employment Rate for VET Account Program by Demographics in 2014 93
12) Results of Training Program Review for VET Account System 94
13) Eligible Training Program List Review Results under VET Account System 95
14) Organizations Participating in VET 97
4. Miscellaneous
1) Status of National, Public, and Private Employment Security Offices 98
2) Job Placement by Type of Employment Security Office 99
3) International Comparison of Public Spending on VET Relative to GDP 100
Ⅳ. Career Education
1. Career Education
1) School Career Education Yearly Plans and Groups 103
2) Spaces for Implementing Career Education in Schools 103
3) Career Education Networks and Usage of Career Experience Sites per School Level 104
2.Implementation of Career Education and Participation Levels
1) “Career and Vocational Studies” Subject Selection and Implementation 105
2) “Career and Vocational Studies” Subject Implementation Periods 105
3) School Career Psychological Test Implementation 106
4) Career Psychological Test Implementation Methods 106
5) Participation Levels per School Career Activity 107
6) School Career Experience Activity Participation and Desire for Future Participation 107
3. Career Path and Career Education Awareness
1) Job Types Desired by High School Students 108
2) University Majors Desired by High School Students 109
3) School Administrator Awareness Level Regarding School Career Education 110
4) Teacher Awareness Level Regarding School Career Education 110
4.Requirements for Implementing Career Education
1) Required Elements for Implementing School Career Education 111
2) Usage of Career Education Materials and Future Demands (Students) 112
3) Career Education Material Usage and Future Demands (career guidance teacher) 113
5. Achievements of Career Education
1) Existence of a Desired Job 114
2) Changes in the Rate of Students with Desired Careers (Career Objectives) 114
3) Student Career Development Capacity Levels 114
Ⅴ. Qualification
1. National Technical Qualifications
1) Qualifications in Korea 117
2) National Technical Qualifications: Qualifications by Competent Ministry 118
3) National Technical Qualifications: Qualifications by Job Type 120
4) Applicants for National Technical Qualifications 122
5) National Technical Qualifications Acquired 123
6) National Technical Qualifications Acquired by Gender and by Year 124
7) National Technical Qualifications Acquired by Junior College Students by Field 125
2. Private Qualifications and Development of National Competency Standards
1) Registered Private Qualifications by Year 126
2) Accumulated Number of Authorized Private Qualifications by Year 126
3) Development of National Competency Standards 127
KRIVET. (2016-07-25). 2016 Human Resources Development Indicators in Korea.
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