Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs: Korea's Experiences on Education and Skills for Green Jobs
- Table Of Contents
- Executive Summary
Ⅰ. Introduction
A. Background of Research_1
B. Definition of Terms_3
1. Green Growth_3
2. Green Industry_3
3. Green Occupations_5
4. Green Jobs_6
5. Green Skills_7
Ⅱ. Economic Development and Vocational Education & Training in Korea
A. Korea Economy_8
B. Vocational Training and Education_10
1. Vocational Training_11
2. Vocational Education System_12
C. Job Skills Development_18
1. Introduction_18
2. Structure of Job Skills Development in Korea_18
3. Contents of Skills Development Training_20
3.1. Promoting Skills Development at the Company Level_21
3.2. Providing Job Applicants with Skills Development Opportunities (Individual
Training Account: ITA)_22
4. Employment Insurance System (EIS)_23
4.1. Employment Insurance Coverage_24
4.2. Workers excluded from EI_24
4.3. Premium Rates_25
5. Operation of Skills Certification_25
6. Job Specification of Skills Certifications_27
Ⅲ. Green Growth, Green Industry and Green Jobs in Korea
A. Green Growth National Strategy and Policy_28
1. Background of Promoting Green Growth_28
2. Green New Deal Strategy_33
2.1. Purpose and Scope _33
2.2. Promotion Strategies_34
2.3. Expansion of Resources Reuse_35
B. Manpower Training Status of the Korean Green Industry_38
1. Green Industry and Current Status_38
2. Promotion Direction of Green Energy Sector Manpower Policies_43
3. Personnel Policy Change in Green Energy Sector_44
4. Status of Energy Sector Manpower Training Projects_46
C. Green Jobs_54
1. Emergence of Green Jobs_54
2. Green Jobs by a Skill-Type_61
3. Trend Change in the Job Market_65
IV. Korea’s Response to Realizing Green Growth
A. Change of Vocational Education and Training under Green Growth Policy_70
1. Overview_70
2. Technologies, Technical Manpower Training to Promote the Green Industry as the New
Growth Engine_71
3. Enhancement of Transferring to Green Manpower to Support the Greenization of Existing
4. Enhancing Green Manpower Supply Responding to the Demand of SMEs and Region_71
5. Establishment of National Technology Qualification System Leading Green Industry_72
6. Inviting Excellent Talents by Expanding Green Technology Investment_72
B. Reorganization Status of Technology, Technical Manpower Vocational Education and Training
1. Korea Polytechnics Reorganization Case_73
2. Junior College Reorganization Case: Yeungjin College_80
3. University Case: Yeungnam University_83
V. Survey on Skill and Manpower Demand of Green Energy Enterprise
A. Background of Survey and Characteristics of Companies for Survey_90
B. Business Contents and Status of Green Energy Companies_92
1. Business Contents_92
2. Status_94
C. Manpower Status, Skill Requirement and Working Capability_94
1. Manpower Status_94
2. Requirement for Skills_96
3. Work Capability_97
D. Education and Training Program_98
E. Alternatives for Solving the Quantitative and Qualitative Deficiency in Professional and
Skilled Technical Manpower_103
F. Summary_107
1. Green Energy Company Business Details and Status_107
2. Skill Level Requirement_108
3. Work Capability Level_108
4. Education and Training Program_109
5. Measures to Resolve Quantitative and Qualitative Shortage Problems of Specialized
Technical Manpower and Skilled Technical Manpower_110
VI. Implications
A. Government Policy Makers_113
B. Researchers for Green Growth and Green Jobs_114
- Publisher
- KRIVET, Korea Eximbank, Republic of Korea - ADB
- Citation
- 이남철. (2012-02-29). Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs: Korea’s Experiences on Education and Skills for Green Jobs. KSP-ADB Joint Consulting Program.
- Type
- Research Report
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- 연구보고서 > II. 수탁보고서 (1997~현재)
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