Apprenticeship in Korea 2017

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Kang, Kyeong - JongJeon Seung HwanHanbyul LEESoo-Youn Han
Publication Year
It is expected that this book will help international readers to get a big picture of our apprenticeship system and will provide practical implications for the improvement of their apprenticeship.
Table Of Contents
ChapterⅠ. Overview of Korean Apprenticeship 1
1. Background of Korean Apprenticeship 3
2. Types of Korean Apprenticeship 5
3. Governance and Finance of Korean Apprenticeship 11
ChapterⅡ. Current Status of Korean Apprenticeship 29
1. Current Status of Training Companies 31
2. Current Status of Apprentices 34
ChapterⅢ. Development and Operation of Apprenticeship Program 39
1. General Procedure 41
2. Selecting Company and Training Center 43
3. Development and Verification of Apprenticeship Program 55
4. In-company Trainer & HRD Staff 63
5. Selection and Treatment of Apprentices 71
6. Operation of OJT & Off-JT 77
7. Internal & External Evaluation 81
8. Monitoring & Consulting 86
ChapterⅣ. Outcomes of Korean Apprenticeship 93
1. Economic Outcomes of Apprenticeship 96
2. Social Outcomes of Apprenticeship 104
ChapterⅤ. Challenges and Improvement Strategies of Korean Apprenticeship 107
1. Hindrance Factors of Apprenticeship Sustainability 109
2. Improvement Plans to Increase Sustainability of Apprenticeship 114
Reference 119
[Appendix] Legislative Bill on Support for Apprenticeship in Industrial Sites 122
KRIVET, Ministry of Employment and Labor, HRD KOREA
Kang, Kyeong - Jong. (2017-12-31). Apprenticeship in Korea 2017.
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연구자료 및 Paper > I. 연구자료 (1997~현재)
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