2010 KRIVET Research Abstracts
- Author(s)
- Publication Year
- 2011-04-30
- Created
- 2011-06-15
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/435
- Abstract
- The main purpose of this annual project is to disseminate knowledge and information that has been achieved by the researchers in KRIVET which will hopefully contribute to the development of TVET around the globe. Among 32 abstracts of researches conducted in 2010, some of the noticeable topics include issues related to green growth, skills mismatch, qualifications, and promoting skills development; there also was a research on the G20 member countries linked with the G20 Seoul Summit held in November, 2011. ...
- Table Of Contents
- 1.The Demand for Vocational High School Graduates and Strategies to Improve Educational Capacity 1
2.Utilization of Water, Wind and Solar Photovoltaic Resources and Green Jobs 5
3.Promoting Public Policy Pertaining to Career Education as Part of Efforts to Nurture Creative Talented Persons 7
4.Challenges to the Advancement of the Service Industry through HRD Policy 9
5.A Study on School-to-Work for University Graduates in Korea 11
6.Industry-Educational Collaboration System for the Resolution on Job Mismatch 13
7.Measures to Improve Skills Development Accounts - Focusing on Quality Management 15
8.Establishment of a System that Promotes Skills Development in Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises 19
9.Analysis on Lifelong VET for the Minority Group as a Strategy to Achieve Social Cohesion 23
10.Research on Knowledge Technology Entrepreneurship for Youth 25
11.Critical Success Factors of 10 Innovative Junior Colleges in Korea 27
12.Measures to Facilitate Employment Information Service for the Aged 31
13.Study of the Various Domains and Factors Pertaining to Core Competencies 33
14.Current Situations and Tasks of Higher Education Certification System in Preparation for Global Manpower Exchanges 35
15.Vocational Education and Training Policies of G20 Member Countries(Ⅰ) - Case Studies of Selected Countries 39
16.Study on the Qualification of Service Industry(Ⅰ) - Focusing on Health and Social Welfare Service Industry 41
17.A Survey on Korean's Work Mentality and Ethics(2010) 43
18.Cultivating Technological Human Resources in response to the Greening of the Iron and Steel Industry 45
19.Mutual Recognition of Qualifications in Korea, China and Japan as Part of Efforts to Promote Human Resources Exchange 49
20.Technological Convergence and Organizational Creativity - Effect of Organizational Factors & Existence of Knowledge Sources on Organizational Achievement 51
21.The Labor Market for College Professors in Korea 53
22.Inter-institutional Collaboration Related to the Career and Vocational Education of Students with Disabilities 55
23.Economic Effect of Qualifications in Korea(Ⅰ) 57
24.Education and Labor Market Linkage and Outcome(Ⅱ) 61
25.Development of KRIVET Occupational Outlook Index(2010) 63
26.Strategies to Enhance the Effectiveness of International Development Cooperation in Education and Training(Ⅱ) - For Promoting International Development and Cooperation Professionals 65
27.Innovation of Lifelong Vocational Competency Development System(III) 67
28.Green Growth and Skills Development Policy 69
29.Survey on National Skills Outlook(2010) 73
30.Analysis of Vocational Education & Training on the Private Sector and Resolution for its Competitiveness 75
31.Establishment of Career Education Model Linked to Curriculum(Ⅲ) 77
32.Facilitating Official Development Assistance(ODA) of Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN Countries to the Realization of New Asia Community(Ⅰ) 79
- Publisher
- Citation
- KRIVET. (2011-04-30). 2010 KRIVET Research Abstracts.
- Type
- Book
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